Chapter 4 Unknown. (Siblings)

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(TW: D3ath/abu4e)

I had been stalking him for weeks, watching his every move, learning his routine and everything. Although it has been harder now that my schedule is getting full, now that I have to do everything my father never did. I had to step up and be better than he ever was. These past few weeks have been adding on to the stress because I have to start the guardianship papers to get custody of my little brother and sister. Carla and Niko. Carla has been waking me up almost everyday the past few weeks since I have to get up early to take them to school. What didn't help is that I was staying up late trying to figure out who those men were at my fathers funeral. I had been going to be around 3 o'clock in the morning and waking up at 7 to take them to school. It is currently five in the morning and I still haven't been able to sleep.

I think I finally drifted off for a few hours until Carla came into my room screaming, "Wake up wake up I'm going to be late for school!" I groan looking at the clock by my bedside. Shit it was 7:25, we were supposed to leave by 7:30 and she wasn't even dressed. I quickly jump up and grab leggings and a sweater out of the closet, "Damn it! Carla why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I yelled. I didn't mean to yell at her. I mean it isn't her responsibility to make sure her sister is up and ready to take them to school. That was my job. "I'm sorry I'm sorry," she says, "I slept in late!"

Damn it, she looks like she's about to cry.. "Hey shh I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled it's not your fault, why don't you get all ready, andI'll meet you in the kitchen." I say trying to calm her down, she sniffles, "O-okay." Maybe I'm not cut out to be their guardian I thought, I'm not made for this shit. I quickly finish getting dressed and make my way into the kitchen, only to find Carla ready, Niko is still in his pajamas standing by the counter.

"Niko come on buddy, we have to go or you guys are going to be late for school!" I tell him, grabbing a banana and my bag off the counter, but when I turn back around I still find him standing in the same spot. I crouch down to his level, looking at him I ask, "Niko what's wrong?" "Please I don't wanna go to school," he whines, "All the kids are so mean to me since daddy died, please don't make me go, I don't want to!" My eyes widen, I didn't know any of that was happening. He seemed down ever since dads funeral but we all had been, given the circumstances. "Oh buddy I- I'm so sorry." That's all I was able to get out, my baby brother was being bullied and me the older sister didn't even know about it? "Well," I pause thinking on what I should tell him, "What do you want to do?" "Can we go to daddy's favorite restaurant? It reminds me of him, and I miss him a lot." "Cracker Barrel?" I ask, "Yeah." "Buddy you know that place is a bit expensive." I tell him.

The truth is Cracker Barrel wasn't expensive, it never was, but I had to pay the funeral expenses, pay the house bills, my car, and I had just recently got laid off, so we barely had any money. Tears start to swell in his eyes, "But, I know how much you miss dad so we can go if you really want to." "Really!" He asks, "Yeah as long as it's okay with Carla. We both turn to look at her. "You both already know how I feel about school so any day I get to miss school is a vacation." She says with a smile on her face. "Okay well Niko, Carla and I are already dressed, why don't you brush your teeth and get ready then we can go." "Okay!" He says, wiping the tears off his face while running to their room to get ready. A few minutes later he comes out in jeans and a spider man hoodie. "Did you brush your teeth?" I ask, "Yess.." "Niko?" "Okay fine I'll go brush them." He turns around and walks into the bathroom and I hear him brushing his teeth. "Boy you took forever, now can we go?" Carla asks with her hands on her hips. "Yeah come on, we can go."

The drive to Cracker Barrel took longer than normal, but it had only taken 30 minutes. We walk in and we are met with a young lady probably earlier 20s standing at the hostess stand. "Hi, welcome in! Table for 3?" She asks, "Yup table for 3!" I answer, "Alright just follow me this way." We followed her to the corner of the restaurant at a booth. "Your server will be right with you!" "Okay thanks." We all took a minute to look at the drink menu to see what we wanted then a waitress walked over to us. "Hi guys!" She said, "My name is Maria and I'll be taking care of you guys, what can I get you to drink?" "I'll just take an orange juice." I tell Maria. "Okay and for you two?" "I'll have chocolate milk please!" Carla says, "Oooo me too!" Niko adds. "Okay I'll be right back with those." She comes back with the drinks then we give her our order, I just wanted bacon, egg, and cheese bagel with a side of fruit. Niko got a little stack of pancakes with a side of bacon, while Carla got waffles with bacon and sausage. While we waited for our food Carla and Niko were coloring on the kids menus and playing tic-tac-toe. While I just sat there watching them play.

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