Secrets Revealed

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-A couple days later-

I grumbled curse words as I rushed outside and past Charlie. I got between Edward and Jacob and shoved the two away from each other, both taking a few steps back and looking at me in surprise.

"Knock it off. You. What the hell did you do." I glared, pointing my finger at Jacob, though I had a good guess.

"He kissed Bella. She punched him and broke her hand." Edward said from behind me, anger very clear in his tone.

"Fucking hell." I frowned at Jacob.

He looked away from me, his jaw clenched tight, his hands balled into fists. I debated whether to lecture him; my head was hurting. I looked back at Edward and pointed at the door.

"Go take care of Bella's hand," I ordered him. Before stepping up to Jacob, I grabbed his face and made him look at me.

"Artemis-" Jacob started, glaring down at me.

"Shut up." I cut him off before giving him a lecture on kissing Bella because she was already in a relationship, along with unwanted affectionate touching.

"Are you staying for dinner, Jake?" Charlie asked from the porch after I was done.

"No," Jacob said, removing my hands from his face and looking at Charlie.

"I'll give him a ride," I told Charlie, holding my hand out.

Charlie tossed me my bike keys, and I went over to my bike and got on. I put my helmet on and held my spare helmet to Jacob, who scowled and took it. He placed the helmet on his head, and he climbed on behind me. I started my bike.

"Where to?" I asked him as I reached back and made him put his hands on my waist.

"Sam and Emily's," he grumbled, gripping my waist tightly.

I nodded and drove off; he wrapped his arms around my waist and held on tight once I started going faster. I smirked as he leaned on me. Everyone came out when I slid to a stop at Sam and Emily's; Jacob was still holding on to me.

"We're here." I snickered at him,

"You did that on purpose." Jacob scowled as he climbed off, the other boys laughing at him as he gave me back the helmet.

"I didn't think a lecture was enough," I said, getting off and putting the spare helmet under the seat.

"Artemis. Can we please talk?" Rachel asked, coming out with the other girls, Emily, Kim, and Rebecca, surprising me.

"There's nothing to talk about," I said as I got back on my bike and backed up to turn around.

I took off quickly before she - or anyone else, could say anything.


I hated this. I did not want to come. I did not want to know. But I didn't have a choice, Victoria was getting bolder; and I was getting sicker. As Billy told the story, all I could see was what happened with James. As I stared into the fire, it was like I was there again. That is was happening all over again.

"Artemis!" Bella screamed at me,

I stiffened, her hands were on my cheeks, her eyes locked with mine. Worry on her face. Everyone was looking at me, I could sense their worry, I could feel the tears falling down my face. I placed my hands on top of Bella's.

"Artemis-" Sue started, sitting beside me and placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine." I cut her off, squeezing Bella's hands lightly.

"No you aren't. You were remembering that incident, right. Carlisle told me the story of the legend might make you remember," Bella said, guilt in her eyes.

"What incident?" Billy asked,

I closed my eyes and sighed, standing up and removing Bella's hands from my face and giving her a look of annoyance.

"I didn't want to know any of this. I wanted to live a normaly life, away from Vampires and Shifters. But, here I am. Knowing." I said, wiping away my tears.

"Sorry," Bella said, looking guilty.

"It's not-" Jacob started, approaching us.

"You knew. You knew it wasn't a bear that attacked you." Paul cut him off, his hands clenched into tight fists.

I stepped away from Bella, so I could look at him. Rachel holding onto his arm.

"It's not your fault. Didn't blame you then, still don't blame you now. Shit happens." I told him, fully believing my words to be true.

"You almost died!" Paul snapped at me, his body shaking.

"Not the first time I was on death's door, not the last either..." I said, voice cracking.

Bella grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Sue came over and grabbed my other one, squeezing it.

"What happened Artemis?" Sue asked softly, gently.

I looked down at the fire, watching the flames flicker, as tears started slipping again. I didn't want them to know. I never did. None of this was supposed to happen in first place. I wasn't supposed be involved in any of this.

I sat back down on the log, after letting go of Sue and Bella's hands. I told tham what happened. From the Moment James, Victoria and Laurent showed up, to me waking up in the Hospital. I didn't look up at anyone.

"Alice killed him. Emmett kept her from turning." Bella told everyone, her hand on my shoulder.

"'re fine right." Seth said, his voice cracking.

I didn't say anything, staring at the dirt. Clenching my hands together.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I said, as I stood up from the log. Looking at Seth. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28 ⏰

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