꧁First Kiss꧂

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➪ Naruto
Kakashi may have said that he was fine with you and Naruto but it was clear that he wasn't going to be leaving you guys alone. Kakashi has had Naruto training a lot which means you guys hang out less and when Kakashi isn't training he insists on hang out with you, leaving no time for you and Naruto to be truly alone without him there.

You were in your room changing to get ready for bed. You have your own place, it's pretty small but you and Kakashi agreed it's better for you to live on your own even though Kakashi does drop by a lot to make sure everything is going well.

You weren't exactly all that tired yet so you just sat by the window looking at the star, until a familiar blonde boy jumped in front of you making you yelp and stumbled back.

"Hey Y/N-chan!" You looked up and clutched your chest, breathing harshly from the scare. "Naruto geez, don't scare me like that i almost died!" Naruto just looked at you a bit confused, while climbing in your room. "Huh, but you're a ninja aren't you?" You got a tick mark "GET OUT NARUTO"

Naruto just ignored you,and immediately wrapped his arms around you pulling you into a deep embrace. You started blushing but still melted into the hug missing Naruto's embrace. "Naruto what's this all about" He just sighed before answering. "Well i missed you of course, Kakashi-sensei is always around so i figured i'd come here, even if it's just for a little bit."

You looked up at Naruto not breaking away from the embrace and smiled at him. You took in how the moonlight shined over him, bringing out those blue eyes that you first noticed about him. You couldn't help but notice that he was looking down at your lips and you blushed even more but started to lean in. He noticed this and wasted no time fully connecting your lips in a sweet kiss. It didn't last too long but it was still quite amazing.

As you pull away your eyes fluttered open as you saw Naruto grinning at you. "Wow Y/N your lips are so amazing and plump, it was so much better than i imagined!" You deadpanned as you watched Naruto celebrate to himself. "Yes it was quite amazing... Now get out Naruto!" You started throwing stuff at him as he stumbles out of your window but before he's fully gone he turns to you and gives you a cheeky smile as you smile back with a light pink dust on your cheeks.

➪ Sasuke
You all were taking a break by some ruble, taking and actually having a pretty good time. Who knew that a group of criminals could be so fun to hang around.

Of course Sasuke wasn't really engaging much although occasionally he would give a short reply. But this good chat was never going to last long with Suigetsu and Karin always starting something.

"So Y/N~ have you ever had a boyfriend before or is Sasuke your first?" Suigetsu asked you out of the blue with a grin making Karin angrily flustered, but you didn't really care you were having fun. "Suigetsu don't go saying stupid stuff, and it's not like Sasuke is actually her boyfriend." Karin said making you roll your eyes. "And what makes you say that Karin, don't tell me you're still in denial, and no, Sasuke is technically my first."

Sasuke peaked up at you hearing the 'technically'. "I'm not in denial! There's just no way he's into you!" You don't really get too angry at Karin when she says stuff like this. Honestly when you guys aren't talking about Sasuke she can be pretty cool to hang out with, so you just ignore her or mess with her when you do talk about Sasuke.

"Come on Karin, some day you're going to have to come to terms with it and i promise you you'll be okay" You laughed a bit seeing her get more mad. Suigetsu smirked as he thought of something. "Actually i have to agree with Karin" You perked up a bit hearing Suigetsu say this. "I mean have you guys ever even kissed before, as far as i know Boyfriends and Girlfriends kiss."

You froze a bit but just waved your hands dismissively a little embarrassed. "Yeah where'd you hear that, what do you even know about relationships anyways" Sasuke looked over at you trying to study your face but you just looked away avoiding eye contact.

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