꧁You Get Jealous꧂

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➪ Naruto
Naruto and you were hanging out around Konoha doing nothing really but having a good time enjoying each other's company. When all of a sudden Naruto yells out when he sees some other ninja, some of which you recognized like Sakura and Kiba.

"Hey guys what are you doing here !" You turn to Naruto upon hearing his boisterous voice and you assume that the others are also friends of his.

You approach them alongside Naruto with a smile to greet them but stayed quiet to let him converse with his friends. "Oh hey Naruto it's you and Y/N, What's up?" You gave a wave to Kiba acknowledging him while Naruto started talking with the group.

You started looking at the other people that were there, which was only two others but they were the most quiet. You first saw a guy with a hood and goggles and turned and saw a pretty girl who had a small blush and avoided eye contact with anyone, you took in her features for a little longer and noticed she was a Hyuuga.

Suddenly Naruto's loud voice scared you a bit as you come out of your thoughts. "Oh don't Hinata do you Y/N" He questions. "Hinata?" You unconsciously ask remembering that name from somewhere. "I'm here too" You hear the other guy, Shino you presumed, sigh.

"Yeah that's Hinata and this is Y/N my girlfriend!" You turn your attention back to the girl and notice her blush intensify as she stuttered and avoided Naruto's eyes. You then suddenly remembered where you heard that name from.

You recalled when you overheard Sakura and Ino in the flower shop talking about Naruto.

'Or Hinata she's had a crush on him too.'

Your eyes widen in realization as you look from Hinata to Naruto as you see him get closer to her asking her what's wrong. You stay quiet, your eyebrows furrowing unconsciously as you keep your eyes on the two while Kiba also joins in trying to get her to calm down.

You then feel someone jab at your side and you turn to see Sakura nudging you with a smirk. You turn away with an embarrassed blush and your eyes narrowed muttering a 'what'. After a moment of her giggling dying down you suddenly hear her softly gasp and whisper in your ear that they're hugging.

That makes you turn quickly looking for such acts as you gain a tick mark. But you don't see anything other than what you saw before, that being Naruto talking to, or more likely at, Hinata while she blushed and stuttered.

You just sigh deeply while Sakura laughed next to you. At this point you've had quite enough so you walk up to Naruto, grab his collar and turn to walk away, leaving everyone and mostly him confused. You just gave them a wave as you took your leave.

After walking a bit Naruto decided to speak up after keeping quiet due to your strange but scary mood. "Uh so Y/N-chan what's wrong?" he says with a blank face. You hummed like you were thinking but never answered.

He then stopped you putting his hand in yours looking into your eyes. "Hey Y/N-chan you're kinda scaring me right now did something happen?" You just let out a frustrated sigh, not at Naruto but at yourself, before finally meeting his eyes.

"It's just you were talking for too long" You see him lost in confusion so you look away from him. "What do you not like them or something?" You get a bit angrier at his stupidness. "N-no stupid it's not like that... you're just so idiotic aren't you"

Your voice gets lower as you spoke and you turn to look at him once again with a blush that gets harsher seeing him smirk a bit.

"If it's about Hinata-chan..." his smirk then turns into a wide grin. "Don't worry! Hinata is just a friend, I don't care if she likes me because i only like you Y/N-chan!" He says this with his normal upbeat attitude but your eyes soften anyways before widening upon realization.

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