꧁When You See Each Other Again꧂

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➪ Naruto

You missed Naruto a lot but keep yourself busy with tons of training, so here you were deep in slumber, exhausted from your training session.

You were having the most peaceful dream ever. You were lying on the beach under the hot sun, feeling the breeze from the ocean. It was truly relaxing.

Until you heard the yelling of your name.

You looked around but no one was there so you shrugged it off, going back to enjoying your peace until you felt pressure on your body like someone jumped on you.

You immediately shoot up from your bed with an 'oof' sound, looking around only to pout noticing you were awoken from your amazing dream. As you keep looking around you look down to see-

"Y/N-chan, You're awake!" Naruto moves into your line of sight with a cheeky grin. "You were the one to wake me up idiot" You run your eyes from sleepiness as Naruto grumbles.

You then stop in your tracks as your brain becomes clear and you realize. "Naruto you're back!" You immediately tackle him in a bear hug as he giggles at your late reaction.

"I missed you so much! Oh and your food was delicious i didn't know you could cook so well!" Naruto talks as he gets comfortable in your embrace not planning on letting you go anytime soon.

"Yeah well i cook all the time, maybe i should cook for you more often" You give a small laugh as he strokes your hair.

"Tell me about your mission Naruto" you softly speak, humming against his chest. He grins again as he starts going on about the mission.

"-And you should have seen Kakashi sensei's Face! The whole thing was so funny, although Sakura-chan yelled at me after, but it was worth it!" Naruto then stopped, turning to you upon hearing your soft snores.

He smiles watching you for a second as you slept soundly. He soon closed his eyes to join you after saying again how he missed you.

➪ Sasuke

Once you got to the cottage you were relieved to find no one has ransacked the place. Although it is pretty hidden and out of the way you still never know.

But since no one has been here in a while the place looked dirty and needed a small touch up. So you turned Chrono, who came back with you, into a man again so he could help you tidy the place up.

It's been about 3 weeks now that you've been here and you said you'd only be gone about a month so you were getting ready to leave some time this week.

You were cooking some eggs and bacon when you hear Chrono at the window so you do your hand signs to turn him into a human again.

"Hey! Did you eat some yummy worms or did you want some of this?" He sighs before speaking "I already ate, thank you m'lady, but maybe you should make more"

This confuses you. Why would he want you to make more if he already ate? Maybe he thinks you'll still be hungry. You just shrug and make more anyways.

As you're cooking you see Chrono head to the front door, leaving your view.

You decide not to ask questions and continue cooking. That is until him open the door speaking to someone but you can't exactly hear what's being said. You look in the direction he disappeared to.

'Who's he talking to? He doesn't have friends'

You gasp as you see someone come into view. "Sasuke!" He looks up at you with a small and genuine smile that you don't get to see often.

You let excitement take over you as you rush to jump on him, engulfing him in a warm hug. "What are you doing here? How'd you even find this place?" You ask thinking he had more important things to do.

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