18 | Cold water - Pedri f

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"Don't drink too much" Pedri told you as the two of you entered the club along some other friends including Gavi, Fermin, Ferran, Raphinha, Frenkie and Balde.

Everyone brought their girlfriends if they even had one, so just 5 minutes later you were sitting at the bar with Sira, Mikky and Taia.

"I wanna get drunk." Taia put her head onto her hand and then you smiled while you sipped at your gin tonic.

"It's been so long for me, for real." You groaned and Taia gave you a huge smile while Sira and Mikky just watched the two of you.

"I don't wanna get drunk, I need to go to the park with Pacho tomorrow, he wants to discuss something." Sira shrugged her shoulders and then everyone looked at Mikky.

"I'm too old." She said which made all of you laugh a little. "No, I'm just not in the mood for dying tomorrow because of a headache."

"Then it's just you and me then, hm?" Taia smiled at you and you nodded your head. "What's the fastest way to get drunk?" You looked at her and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Probably Vodka or Tequila, I don't know tho" Mikky shrugged her shoulders and you turned to the bartender to order two of both for you and Taia.

Just a few meters away was Pedri sitting on a couch, his legs spread open as he was sipping on his water.

"What's up Pedrito?" Fermin sat down next to him, Pedri's gaze was strongly fixated on you, looking at every movement you made and at any guy who even dared to look at you.

"Nothing, what about you?" He asked back but Fermin shrugged his shoulders while looking at what his friend was looking at.

"Not much, why are you staring at her tho."

"I want her to be safe." Pedri murmured which made Fermin lean forward and give him a look.

"So your reassuring that she's safe by staring at her?" He asked, Pedri looked away from you and then at Fermin.

"You wouldn't understand." Pedri just shook him off and Fermin then laughed a bit. That also caught Gavi's attention who sat down on the other side of Pedri.
Just as Pedri looked back at you, you downed the Vodka and Tequila shots you have ordered with Taia.

"Ooh, she's not taking it easy tonight." Fermin teased him to which Pedri didn't even react. He just watched you.

In the following two hours you were wasted, dancing with Taia on the dancefloor and laughing at the most random stuff.

That was until Raphinha and Pedri came over to the two of you. You felt his hands wrap around your waist from behind and you leaned your head back to look at him.

His features looked so good in those purple lights in the club and his hair was sitting perfectly.

"What?" You laughed a bit and then turned around to face him.

"We're going home." He mumbled and you nodded your head. You tried to walk but you couldn't manage to walk in a straight line. Pedri quickly said goodbye to everyone and held you to himself by your waist.

"Okay, here." pedri opened the door of the passanger seat and grabbed you by your hips with both hands.

He then helped you sit inside and fastened your seatbelt for you. As he leaned over you, you pressed a kiss on his temple and grabbed his jaw while you did so.

Pedri couldn't help but smile as you did, he turned his head to look at you while his eyes were squinted cause of his smile.

"You're so hot." You mumbled and pushed his hajr out of his face. Pedri just responded with a smile and then slammed the door shut. Then he made his way over to the wheel and sat down.
"i told you to not drink too much." He told you while he started the car. You just shrugged your shoulders while still feeling heavily toxicated.

"I know but I haven't been drunk in too long" You mumbled and threw your head back while you opened your legs.

"That's not good, now your head is just gonna hurt tomorrow and I don't like to see you in pain." Pedri explained while he put his hand on your tigh. You then put your hand on his and you moved it down to yoir core. However Pedri pulled away his hand again.

"You're drunk," he looked at you for a split second and you smiled a bit.

"And?" The laugh that was coming put of your mouth almost sounded desperate, a bit fake even.

"Take a shower, drink water and then ask me again. I don't wanna do anything against your will." Pedri mumbled towards you, the only thing that escaped your mouth was a small laugh.

He went to sit down on the bed and pulled out his phone.

"We're dating." You let your shoulders hang low while you looked at him. Pedri raised his gaze from his phone to your eyes again.

"Just go and shower amor." Pedri stood up and pushed his phone back into his pocket. His arm wrapped around your body as he guided you towards the bathroom. You then felt like you nodded to throw up, you quickly walked over to the toilet and grabbed the toilet seat with both of your hands before you puked.

Pedri hurried over to you and grabbed your hair to hold it back. He held your hair back with his left hand as his right one was rubbing your back.

After you sat down next to the toilet, pedri leaned forward to flush. Then he stood over you while you looked up at him.

"I hate to break it to you princesa but I told you not to drink too much." Pedri leaned a bit forward and then smiled.

"You're a dick." You mumbled while you couldn't hide that small smile on your face. He was satisfied, he always liked to be right and he just proved once again that he is always right.

You don't know if you should be happy or mad that you just pushed his ego up even further.

"I'm not a dick, but you were trying to get on mine just a few minutes ago. Brush your teeth and then we'll go and shower." Pedri told you and then grabbed your toothbrush and the toothpaste you were using. He then sqeezed some of it on the brush and gave it to you, you were atill sitting on the floor and just started brushing your teeth there.

Pedri stood over you and just watched you, eventually you stood up to it all out and then proceeded to wash your teeth a second time.

"Give me some gum please." You told Pedri and he walked back into the bedroom and over to your purse.
He grabbed your min flavoured gum and then went back to you.

Eventually a few minutes later you two were now standing under the running water in the shower.

"It's cold." you said, hugging yourself with your arms. He pulled awayyour arms and then turned you around so that your back was facing him.

"That's how you sober up the fastest." Pedri started leaving a trail of sloppy kisses along your neck. Your wet skin felt a bit cold under his lips.

"Hm" you hummed while you leaned your head backwards against his back and he stood even closer to you, leaning down while his arms wrapped around your waist.

You then turned around to face Pedri and you saw water dripping from his soaked hair.

He pushed it back before he pulled you into another kiss, now your hands were interlocked behind his back and Pedri's arms wrapped even tighter around your waist.

The kiss started off as slow but then quickly turned intense and very fast. Lips moving in the same rhythm, salvia colliding and hands all over eachothers bodies.

"Are you sobered up now?" Pedri pulled away for a second to look at you. You however pulled him into thr kiss again and then pulled away a few seconds later.

"Yeah I am." Your lips made contact with his again, you literally weren't able to be away from him for even 5 seconds.

"Good." Pedri grabbed your hands and pushed you against the wall and smirked. "I hope that you're sober because I want you to remember this."

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