26 | Stranger - Pedri a

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You weren't ready to be a mother.

You knew it, and Pedri knew it too.

Still he tried to calm you down, "It's gonna be fine, we will figure it out." He whispered into your ear while you cried into his hoodie, your arms wrapped around his body tightly.

He was there for you, during the pregnancy, during birth and the first time you took your son into your arms.
You looked down at him and couldn't help but smile. "He looks just like you."

You looked at Pedri who was standing in front of you, looking down at his son.
His eyes squinted as his whole face was covered by a huge smile.

You felt bad, of course you did, you didn't have the heart to tell Pedri that you didn't want him.

You wanted your son, of course, but you still weren't ready. You were terrified of birth, Pedri kissed you and told you that it will be fine, he will be there for you.
Even after you went home and a couple of weeks passed, your sons bond grew thicker with Pedri but not with you.

While Pedri was at practice you sometimes sat in front of him, looking at him. Keeping a blank face while he smiled and giggled at you, he tried to give you his toy. His little arms almost unable to reach forward fully, still he tried, he tried to reach your hand, just to give you his toy.

You watched him struggle and eventually you moved your hand closer, he put his toy into your hand, satisfied he looked up at you, your face blank as you stared down at the toy before giving it back to him.

He didn't take it back so you put it down next to him, he was leaning against a pillow on the couch.

Pedri saw it, not just that encounter, but every single one. He knew you didn't know how to, you weren't made to be a mother, you had told him that since the beginning. You didn't have to heart to get an abortion, he didn't either, so he knew how this is gonna go.

As time passed Pedri's parents came over for dinner Pedri had prepared. Your son was crying the whole time so you took him upstairs and tried to change his diapers.

He wouldn't stop moving and crying and kicking. Your patience ended when he kicked off the diaper and you turned around abruptly.

Sprinting down the stairs you quickly yelled to Fer before walming to the door. "Can someone take care of him for a second?" Pedri immediately jumped up to follow you to the door while Fer walked upstairs and was met with his nephew crying.

Meanwhile Pedri followed you as you were running towards your car. You sat inside quickly and tried to lock the doors but Pedri was too fast.

He sat inside, the silence between you two was... silent. The tension thick enough to be cut with a knife and neither of you making eye contact.

Pedri spoke up before you could have. "Listen-" His breath shaking as he tried to gather some words that made sense for this situation. "I know it's difficult."
Pedri tried to keep talking but you immediately turned to look at him.

"Difficult? Pedri didn't you see? Nobody recognizes that that's my kid. I have no idea what to do with it." You shot back, his gaze slowly shifted from his feet to the windshield and then to you.

His eyelids looked heavy, dark eyebags under his eyes and his eyes red.

"I know that you didn't want to be a mother, but you'll have to go through it, we'll do it together." Pedri kept eye contact while a few tears escaled your eyes. Pedri's eyes widened and his mind went black after you started shaking your head.

"Pedri I can't do it, I'm sorry." The tears dropped onto your shirt while you looked down at your hands in your lap. "I can't even breastfeed him properly, he doesn't even like me."

Pedri kelt quiet, he didn't know what to say, he had an answer for everything but for his son not to like you he didn't have one. Because he saw it too.

"You're the only one that can breastfeed him." Pedri mumbled whithout taking his eyes off of you.

"I don't know how, I wasn't made to be a mother and nobody can teach you that, maybe you know how to make him laugh but I don't!" You kept on complaining and Pedri inhaled sharply, his chest falling up and down.

"The difference between me and you is that compared to you, I love him and also treat him with love." Pedri's words felt bad, and uneasy feeling washed over you and sent a shiver down your spine. "I noticed the first time you looked at him, you didn't have that sparkle in your eyes, the way you talk to him, like he was a bother, the way you play with him, like he was the only one trying to build up a bond with you."

Pedri's words hurt, each one of the signaling a knife getting stabbed into your stomach.

The worst part was that he was right.
"Pedri I told you a year ago that I'm not made to be a mother, when have you ever seen my interact with children before?" You pushed your hair back behind your face. Now you were thankful that you were sitting in the car and something was separating you.

"But Amor it's our child. He's ours, he's a creation of you and me, he grew inside of you. You made him what he is right now, so don't try to tell me that you're not made to be a mother. Then you'll learn how to be one, you'll get a feeling of it eventually, but as much as I can see, you're not even trying. If you keep up what youre doing right now then he's gonna miss the motherly love other children receive." Pedri's words brought you to tears, he truly meant everything he said.

"He hated me already, theres nothing more I can do." You threw your head back and he grabbed your jaw to make you look at him and then proceeded to wipe away your tears with his thumb

"He doesn't hate you, he's learning from you, if you keep doing what you're doing he's gonna grow up and he'll only remember how mommy looked at him and looked sad."

You shook your head as you keaned over the center console and pulled him into a hug.

You then decided on what to do. "Listen Pedri, I love your family but can you ask them to go home? You know I hate crying in front of other people."
Pedri's lips formed a small smile as he got out of the car and walked to your side. As you stood infront of him he pulled you into a tight hug.

"I love you, no matter what happens I'll always love you, and we'll get through this together."

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