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There was a scent in the air. There was such scent in the air, that came right after the sun's rise and that woke up the sky with it's clouds, the land with it's trees and the city with it's people. 

The scent opened people's eyes, interrupting their dreams, interrupting the night by giving rise to the sun. The sun rose slowly, fast somehow, but slowly, and with it's slowness he shined the city bright. The brightness was reflected in people's eyes soon as they heard the birds singing, soon as the clouds were white and clear, soon as the sky took the color of the sea and soon as life began as if life, was that scent in the air, and that scent in the air, was the source of life, the source of life for the city, the capital city.

The marketplaces and the bazaars were opened quickly, and the buyers had come earlier than the sellers. The ships in the harbors set off to leave the place ready for the ships that were to come. The workshops and the manufactories got filled with their workers, to spend another day, for a dime that couldn't buy a piece of bread. The soldiers in the corpses, placed their swords in their belts with the hope that they wouldn't have to put them off of there, again. The squares got filled with gossipers and beggars, hoping again that their topics wouldn't run out as the food had run out for the strollers and the poor. 

Deceitful merchants who would sell you the soap for cheese, were next to the ones who would get tired all day for nothing. Untrustworthy and misleading people would sit and  slander the kind, generous, just and helpful ones, who as matter of fact were keeping them fed, clothed, and sheltered. The servicemen were tired of the bandits stubbornness and incompetence that decided to become like them. The larcenists would go to preach in mosques, while the marauders would steal their shoes and the crooks would talk them later into buying the shoes they had took from the marauders. Ladies of the night were stoned till they were half dead so the people would have the chance to do it again any other day.

Welcome to the city where the kids are told by the matures not to do things that they themselves do.  Welcome to the city where the samaritans are loved and hated no matter how good or bad they are. Welcome to the city were the ingenious want to make everyone like themselves, but end up listening to the gossipers as were defrauded by the deceitful and stolen by the larcenists. Welcome to the city where the respect for the woman is the same as for your eyes. Welcome to the city where money are the paramours of the poor, but who never end up married together. Welcome to the city where the faith is never lost is just that some have it hard to find it. Welcome to the city were the beauty is blinded by the eyes and mind and not the light of the sun. Welcome to the city where the ones dressed with mantles made out of silk have to bow to the one who owns the larvas. Welcome to the city where the one rules the people, but is permitted to do whatever even though the people rule him. Welcome to the city where hope never dies, but remains inside the people although they are mortal. Welcome to the city where the crown of power shimmers upon the crown of life, but never brighter that it.

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