The Birth Of The Şehzade

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The corridor was humming with the voices of several girls. As she passed by them, they bowed to her.
She seemed to be anxious. When it came to him, she was always anxious. Even if the whole palace collapsed, she wouldn't mind, as long as he was fine. She had to control himself. Sye must not show herself weak in that way. He would understand immediately because he destroyed all her armour. She mustn't seem as she was hiding something because he would understand immediately. As he knew every part of her body well, he could easily tell when she was hiding something. That way she would just make him angry. When he gets angry, her heart is set on fire, like that fire of love, but in these cases, the flames of the fire can take her life. After all, her life had no value if she lost his love.

- Inform him that I have come, - she said when she arrived in front of the two guards.

One of them bowed to her and went to obey the order. After a while he came back and made way for her to pass.
She entered in his room.
It was full of light as it was almost midday. The doors that led to the balcony were open and the clear sky could be seen easily.
There was a sofa against the wall, in the right side of her. A small distance in the right side of the sofa there was a small table and cushions. In the end of the room, in the other side, it was a bigger table with a chair. On the table were a few documents, a feather pen, ink and a seal. In the same side, again against the wall, there was a sink with blue ceramic tiles. Not far away from the sink was a inner fireplace which had in front a bigger sofa and a table in the middle of both, which had a vase filled with fruits.
Than there was a door, facing the one in which she entered from and in between these two was his bed, on which he was sitting on.

- Oh, Nurbahar, you came! - he raised his head from the book he was reading and smiled at her.

Nurbahar smiled back, happy. He was reading "The Divine Comedy", still. This fact was bothering her. She was blaming that book for all the instability she felt inside.

- Your Majesty, I came to inform you for the activities and celebrations on the occasion of the new Şehzade's birth have already begun, - she said confidently.

- Good, - he replied, - everyone should know that another Şehzade was born to the world's strongest empire.

Then he stared a bit at the sky, distracting himself by looking at the flying white birds.

- Your Majesty, - Nurbahar added gaining his attention, - if you allow, of course, I would like to also start the preparations for the wedding between Hatice Sultan and Ibrahim Paşa.

- Of course, - he approved smiling, - we must not waste anymore time. I don't want to leave this matter for the end of the summer, - continued as he put the book aside.

Nurbahar bowed to his approval.

- Your Majesty, - she said once again, ready to leave, - with your permission.

The Sultan looked at her from head to toe smirking and calmly said:
- Nurbahar, is everything alright?

Now that was a problem. After all these years she hadn't developed yet the ability to make him believe her lies. After all these years she always felt like a newborn baby in his presence during truth-revealing moments. Totally under his

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