Sanjak of Manisa

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The carriage stopped, and the door opened. Şehzade Mustafa stepped outside it and looked around. The smell of fresh air cleared his lungs. His tutor, Lala, was there together with the kadis and beylerbeys to welcome him. Right away, his mother also stepped out of the carriage.

- Thank God we managed to arrive here without any incidents! - she said happily.

Mustafa smiled back at her.
The sun was shining bright and the sky was blue like the sea. A soft morning breeze was blowing, but in general, it was a beautiful day.

- Your Highness Şehzade Mustafa, Sultanim, welcome back! - his tutor said while bowing at them both, respectively

Without delaying any further, they entered the main gate of Manisa's saray.
There all the staff had gathered in a row to welcome them. There, both mother and son gave a hug to each-other and went separate ways of the Palace.
Şehzade Mustafa went to Selamlik, the official section of the palace where the state affairs were conducted, the guests were received, and the court was held. His mother, Mahpeyker Sultan went to the Harem, where she was welcomed by the staff of kalfas and aghas.

- Welcome Sultanim! We were waiting for you! - a young lady in a long loose-fitting, fancy, purple dress and with a turban on her head said.

- Welcome Sultanim! We were waiting for you! - a young lady in a long loose-fitting, fancy, purple dress and with a turban on her head said

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- I'm glad to be back, Zeynep Kalfa, - replied Mahpeyker to the lady, - I see that everything is alright. Hopefully, nothing bad happened during my absence, right?

Suddenly, a man next to Zeynep Kalfa stepped forward, smiling, and answered instead of her.

- Of course, it didn't Sultanim!

- Good Safet Agha, - spoke again Mahpeyker and than looked around at the concubines, - distribute these gifts to the girls, - and two guards who were behind her stepped forward and opened the chests they were carrying

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- Good Safet Agha, - spoke again Mahpeyker and than looked around at the concubines, - distribute these gifts to the girls, - and two guards who were behind her stepped forward and opened the chests they were carrying.

- This way, Sultanim, - said Zeynep Kalfa and showed to one of the doors of Harem's Hall, - the hammam is ready for you.

After a while, Zeynep Kalfa came back, and together with Safet Agha, they put all the girls in a row. Then the chests were opened and each of them took gifts. Some took fancy fabrics, and some took earrings and necklaces, while some others took just a few silver coins. All of them were happy, and that was the key to winning their loyalty and love.

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