Chapter-4 The mission...

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[Hotaru's Pov]

After traveling for some hours, I saw the village up ahead. I was excited to try the food stands there.

When I arrived at the entrance of the village, Himari was waiting for me looking very bored.

"Took you long enough, I was beginning to fall asleep." Himari said has she saw me entered the village.

I pout in response.

As we were walking around, I saw a stand that sold dango's. I know Himari really likes them, I have to pass by later for those.

"Himari, How about we get a room while waiting for the sun to set?" I asked her, smiling has if i wasn't pouting earlier.

"Sure, I don't mind." She responded, bored has she was before.

It wasn't long before we found a place to stay, it is a pretty big village after all. We paid for a room and stayed there for awhile discussing about the mission.

We heard a soft knock, I stood up and went to the door to open.

A what seem like a nice lady was standing there with a tray of tea. "Would you like some tea?" She asked with a smile that seemed somewhat...weird.

"Oh! Sure, I would love some!" I said to the lady with invisible flowers around my head. "Do you want some Himari?" I asked even tho I knew her answer.

"No thanks" she answered with a small smile for me.

As I turned my head back to the lady she was now standing in front of me with a tea cup in hand. "Here you go."

"Um..Thank you!" I said smiling awkwardly.

As soon as she handed me the tea cup she was nowhere to be seen...weird...

"What are you standing there for?" Himari asked me, looking at me weirdly.

"Oh- um nothing." I said walking back to Himari.

Has we were discussing about the others Hashiras the sun finally set itself for the night. So we decided to patrol around the village for any signs of demon.

I started to feel light headed has we were patrolling in the forest bear the village.

I had a hard time trying to breath, has if my lungs were on fire. I was beginning to loose balance, I had the impression that I was being choke and was loosing all my senses.

I couldn't stand it anymore, I lost my balance and was breathing heavily.

"Onee-san!?" Himari rushed to my side.

"What happened?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Himari said panicking.

"I-Im gonna go get a medic, true not to get yourself in a worst state that you already are!" Himari stood up and ran to the village to get some help.

I was beginning to loose consciousness but before I blacked out, there was a strange person walking towards me.

[Himari's pov]

I ran to the village and search for a medic. I found a little shop that sold some medical things. I went up to the person to ask her for help. "Ineedhelpmysisterisntbreathingroghtshesnotokaypleasehelpme!" The lady looked at me shocked and puzzled but after a  moment she got some kind of medical kit and followed me to the forest were I left Hotaru.

As soon as I arrived Hotaru was nowhere to be seen. I freezed, my face going pale. She was there just some minutes ago. What happened, where did she go?!

I was starting to breath rapidly my body tensed up. I was sensing a demon's presence, as if it was there just some seconds can't be what I think it is...right..?

To be continued...


I'm sorry this chapter is really short but I wanna keep what will happen next a secret right now so you guys can be ready for it. :)

I am actually doing this chapter right now with LapyAntoine so please go check her story's she's a really good writer. :D

I'll try to post thr next chapter early for you guys.

Thank you for reading and see you in the next chapter. :)

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