Yuri Kimoto's informations

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Name: Yuri Kimoto

Age: 17



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Height: 6,0

Current Occupation: Demon slayer corps.


-He likes to pass time with his friends and his lover.

-At night he always looks at the moon for a few minutes.


-He fears that everyone will leave him and that no one loves him.

-being a failure.

Favorite things:

-his boyfriend.

-his friends.

-The cold.

-The moon.


Things he hates:

-The heat.

-Being left behind.

-Getting told what to do.


-Horny with his lover-

-Cringy with his friends.


-ADHD on top!

-can't stay still.

Fun facts:

-His hands and feet are always cold like snow.

-Trembles alot.

-Doesnt handle heat very well.

-Becomes very Horny around his lover.

Not so fun fact:

-he fears abandonment, the reason why he doesn't like being left behind.

Bad habits:

-He wants to help everyone, even the people that he doesn't know.

-Very empathetic...like...too much-


I decided to had my friends oc to this story because we decided to do it together :)

Please go check out LylyMurder_explosion

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