Chapter 1

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It was a normal day at the John Hopkins Central Library in a small suburb off of New York City. In general, it was quiet, to a certain extent. Students were conversing at one large table. Then off to the side, three other tables were a mix of young women and men, playing chess, with only a buzzer making sounds every couple of minutes. Then you had people listening to music on the library computers.

In the distance, you can see the library staff as they continue to fill the racks with more books, that got checked in either earlier in the day or the day before. Then all of a sudden, a commotion arose amongst the small chatter.

"Why don't you go back to playing chess with the other rich kids," said Steve Rogers, who looked down at a young man, who happened to be Dick Greyson. Then Dick sized up Steve, giving him a death stare, crossing his arms in the process.

"Why don't you just watch where you are going, Soldier boy," Dick rebuked him in retaliation. 

Bothmen stared each other down for a few minutes, until they both heard someoneclear their throat. Looking in the direction, they both saw the most beautifulwoman that they have ever seen. Her hair was a beautiful shade of red, however it wasn't red, more like a light red, or an auburn color. Her skin was fair, but soft and gentle, like porcelain. And the way her eyes shined in the morning light, they were like emeralds, that shone in the depths of the ocean. At most, she was 5'7" and had a curvy figure that would drive a man wild. However, her beauty would be more striking without the burgundy glasses she wore on her face. 

They did not know what to do or what to say, so they both nodded. Dick went back to his chess game and Steve continued reading his book. However, Steve was more interested in the beautiful woman than his book now. So, using his book as distraction, so she wouldn't spot him, Steve went and sat down opposite of where she was putting the books away. Every so often, when she did not spot him, he looked over at the woman, who captivated his interest. 

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