Chapter 3- Mistakes Aren't Always Bad

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Snow....snow....and snow...

There was snow everywhere, the climate was excruciatingly colder than before, this didn't look like Seoul, and this was supposed to be the day before too and it was already snowing? They must've sent her to the wrong timeline.

Y/N fell flat, on the snowy ground when the realization hit her

The badge had fallen off while she was on that chair.


Y/N shrieked, her rage more pronounced than ever.

"Okay, breath breath."

Y/N tried to calm herself down, but every time she did that for some odd reason, every bad decision she made kept popping into her memory, making her abashed, and her mood swings more than ever.

Well, there was no point in whining now.

Y/N sat beneath a pine tree, holding her knees close to her chest, shivering due to the glacial weather, rubbing her legs up and down to keep her warm.


Those three words were enough to cast her into a slumber.

"Is she dead?"

Y/N's eyelids slowly parted, as she blinked slowly. A blurry image of five men dressed in dark coats was visible to her. One of them crouched in front of her and said something that Y/N couldn't make out, he seemed to have asked her something then realized she hadn't got her conscience entirely back yet.

Y/N was on the verge of passing out again, her eyelids were about to meet their end, but she gathered all her willpower to not swoon again.

She failed miserably.


Y/N's conscience slowly recovered again, though her eyelids were still shut. She felt a warm and tender blanket wrapped around her body, she found solace in it. Her lips formed a weak smile as she nuzzled into the blanket like an infant.

"Are you from here?"

A hoarse voice asked, making Y/N recoil slightly. She opened her eyes quickly
(her reflexes were quick)

Her mouth was agape once she saw the owner of the deep voice.

His dark iridescent curls were fully silky, his dark brown eyes had a sort of glimmer in them, and his lips weren't the slightest bit chapped (Y/N had to fight back the will to ask him what moisturizer he used but it'd be weird to do that), his skin was pale and moist-looking. He wore a lavish-looking greyish-white coat and brown trousers.

His brows knitted when Y/N did not answer his question, even though she had fully regained her conscience.

"Um I'm sorry, do you not understand me-"

"Ha? Oh yes um, sorry"

Y/N chuckled awkwardly as she rubbed her nape in embarrassment.

"And yes, I am from here um, this is Seoul right?"

The boy had a confused expression plastered on his face.


He replied, leaving Y/N dumbfounded.

"No um, 'Seoul'! The capital of South Korea...You don't know?.."

Y/N asked, making the boy chuckle

"Our nation's capital is Hanseong."

The boy added, grinning.

Y/N's thoughts: 'Hanseong? HANSEONG?! Wasn't that the old name for Seoul? Wait am I even in the right timeline?!

"What's the current year?...."

Y/N asked, her voice cracking as she tried to not leave a bad impression by squeaking and crying.

The boy was confused, how could this stranger not even know the current year?

"Um, the last time I checked it was 1670-"


Y/N shrieked (I kid you not, If you had seen the way the boy fell out of his chair, you'd die)

Y/N immediately knew she was scaring him and the last thing she wanted, was to be alone in this mess, so she regained her posture.

"Oh um I mean, of course I knew that, ha~"

Y/N coughed, as she chuckled awkwardly. The boy was scared of Y/N's unpredictable mood swings.

"I was just asking for...for the sake of convenience"

Y/N lied as she kept glancing at her hands and then at the boy. He had no choice but to return the timid smile.

"Ah, I guess you must be very tired."

The boy chuckled awkwardly, not knowing what to say next.

"Me? Tired? Pfft. Of course not! I'm um great!" Y/N  kept making weird gestures as she talked

"So um, I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself, I'm uh Y/N, and you are?"

The boy was embarrassed of his manners as he didn't introduce himself first.

"Ah, I apologize for not introducing myself first."

The boy apologized. Y/N was mesmerized by his manners.

"I'm delighted to meet you Y/N, I am-"


A grumpy voice shrieked out of the room, Y/N recoiled but the boy rolled his eyes at the sound of the voice.

"I am so sorry, I'll be back, miss Y/N"

The boy gave a warm smile enough to make Y/N's heart flutter.

He walked towards the door and gave Y/N a final glance then left.

Y/N wished he hadn't.

~(To be continued)~

Kim Taehyung FF "When you accidentally time travel back to the Joseon Era"Where stories live. Discover now