Nathan Bateman

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Once Nathan is out of the room, you stand from the desk you apparently fell asleep at. You look around and you don't see America anywhere and that worries you...a lot.

You stand, stretching out your arms above your head and let out a groan. Your body is sore. Does this universe's version of you sit at a desk all day?

You look around the room to see it very modern yet plain. There are few knick knacks that you seem to have brought. Pictures of you and your family...well the family you had in this universe. Some little trinkets and artwork here and there. Besides that the room was pretty bare.

You hear the whirring of a blender and you exit the room to follow the sound. When you head towards the kitchen, you see Nathan there. He's blending something into a green mush while eating a banana.

You stare at him while he's scrolling through his phone. This version of Marc is very different than the previous ones you've met. Not only physically, but personality as well.

"The fuck are you staring at?" Nathan mumbles as he sips his smoothie.

You avert your gaze and look around your setting, "Oh, uh, nothing. Just thinking."

Nathan hums, "Well, you can think while you finish that transcript."

You scoff and cross your arms over your chest, "Why're you such an ass?"

Nathan scoffs back, "You act as if this is something new to you."

"It's not. I'm just wondering why you're such an ass."

He snorts, "You don't get anywhere being a softie, sweetheart."

You hum and give a shrug, "I just find it ironic that for a guy trying to create AI with human thoughts and feelings, you sure don't like to have any of them yourself." You turn on your heel and head back to

Once you shut the door, you sit at the desk and throw your head into your hands, "How the fuck do I get out of here now?"


"Y/N?!" America wakes up to see Wong and Stephen by her bedside.

"America, calm down." Stephen says, "You need to rest."

"H-How...?" she looks around and sees she's in her own room at the Avengers Compound, "Am-Am I home?"

Wong nods, "Yes. You somehow ended up back here, but-"

"-but Y/N didn't come back with you. We don't know why, but now we have to find her."

"I want to help! This is my fault, I have to find her. I owe Marc that."

Wong and Stephen shake their heads, "You're too weak. All of that universe traveling took a lot out of you. It's been three days since you've come back and you're just now waking up."

"Three days?!" the young Avenger shouts.


You're pacing your room murmuring to yourself, "It's been three days and nothing's happened. I don't know if this is good or bad."

You continue to mumble and pace, not knowing that Nathan was resting against the threshold of your room, watching you. You jolt when he speaks, "What's got your panties in a twist?"

You roll your eyes and turn away from him, "None of your business."

"You need to get fucked. Literally."

You whip your head towards him, eyes wide and jaw to the floor, "Excuse me?!"

Nathan continues to look nonchalant as he doubles down, "You're stressed and worried and it's distracting. I can't get shit done with you like this. You need to loosen up and a good fucking will probably help with that."

You scoff, "In your dreams, Bateman."

"Speaking of dreams, who's this Marc you keep mumbling about in your sleep?"

Your brows shoot up in surprise, "I talk in my sleep?"

"You've done it in the past, but usually nonsense. But not this time. Who's Marc and why are you dreaming about him?"

The questioning makes you nervous for some reason, like it's wrong for you to dream about your husband. Only, he's not your husband, not in this universe anyway.

"No one," you answer, turning away from him, but he grabs your wrist and pulls you back to him.

He stands chest to chest to you as he whispers, "I don't want you dreaming about anyone else, moaning anyone else's name, but mine. Got it?" the look in his eyes are possessive, lust filled. You've seen it before in Marc when you've riled him up. You can't help but shiver at the look. It has the same effect on you as it does with Marc.

Before you could stop yourself, you pull Nathan towards you. Your lips crash onto his and he's walking you backwards to your bed. You fall back, his body on top of yours. It's a familiar feeling. He feels like your husband, looks like your husband, but he's not. And yet, you don't stop yourself as he undresses you and slips inside of you.


Both Wong and Stephen are using their magic to form a portal. Marc is pacing behind them, "So you two really expect me to just wait here until you come back with Y/N?"

"We don't know to expect, Marc. You just might complicate things further if you come with us."

Marc is silent and then Steven fronts, "What if she needs us? She's probably scared out of her mind." He sighs dejectedly, "We were supposed to protect her and we didn't."

Stephen straightens up and goes over to Steven. He gives the worried man a reassuring pat on the shoulder, "Listen, we'll do everything we can to get her back to your guys. Plus, you should probably talk to America. She thinks you all hate her for what happened."

Steven shakes his head, "It wasn't her fault."

"She thinks it is. Go talk to her. Maybe she can tell you how things went when she was with Y/N."

Steven nods, "Yeah...yeah, alright."


You're naked and alone in bed. You groan to yourself and a heavy feeling fills your chest as soon as Nathan redresses and exits your room. You technically cheated on your husband, but he was a doppleganger of your husband so it doesn't really count, right?

"I'm so ready to go home already," you mumble and stare up at the ceiling, "Please, America, Wong, Stephen...anyone. Please get me back to Marc soon."

You turn onto your side and sigh. Maybe some sleep will help...


When you wake, you immediately recognize that you're not in the same universe you fell asleep in.

"Oh what the hell?" you whisper and from the bathroom in walks another Not Marc. He has boxers on and a white undershirt. He tsks, "Now, now Mrs. Cooper. That's no way to talk, hm?" he bends down and kisses your head, "Morning, sweetheart. Why don't you get started on breakfast while I get ready for work hm?"

Oh God...what time period were you in now?

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