Marc Spector and Steven Grant

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When you wake up, you're at the Sanctum. You know from how the room is decorated. Your body feels heavy, like it's made of lead. You wiggle your fingers and toes, trying to bring some circulation back. With a groan, you're slowly pushing yourself up into a sitting position.

You look to your left and see Marc resting his head on the bed. You're sure his neck and back are probably hurting from the position. His snores make you smile and you decide not to wake him.

Slowly and cautiously, you drag yourself out of bed. You stagger a bit, nearly falling to your knees, but you catch yourself on the bed.

The movement of the mattress wakes Marc up. His head shooting up and his eyes rapidly blinking. When he looks at the empty bed and then you standing beside it, he's on his feet.

"Shit, baby, what're you doin' outta bed?" he rushes around the bed to your side, holding you up at the waist.

You shake your head, "Marc, I'm fine. I-I need to use the bathroom."

"Could've woken me," he mumbles in disapproval as he guides you to the attached bathroom.

"Didn't wanna wake you. Seemed like you needed the sleep. Speaking of, how long have I been out."

"About a week."

"What?!" You look at him in shock.

"Strange says all of the multiverse hopping took a toll on you mentally and physically. We've been keeping an eye out on you. Strange has been a lot of help."

"And America? How is she?"

"She's been visiting you every day after her lessons with Wong. Other than that, she's still doing her thing."

You nod in approval, "Good. I'm glad she's moving on."

Marc proceeds to stay in the bathroom with you as you do your business. He keeps a careful eye on you, leaning against the sink, arms crossed over his chest, with a stern look on his face.

When you finish up and begin washing your hands, arms wrap around your waste and Steven's voice fills your ears, "How are you doing, lovey?"

You softly smile at him through the mirror's reflection, "I'm good." you dry your hands and turn to him, "How are you?"

"I've been worried sick for the entire week, but I'm glad to see you're okay," he cups your face and places a gentle kiss to your lips, "Do you remember anything?"

Blue. Laurent. Nathan. Bud. Santi. Richard. Leto. Poe.

You nod, "Yeah. I remember everything. I remember them all."

"Is that a good thing?" Steven asks, pure curiosity on his face.

"I-I'm not sure. I-I feel kind of...sad? I feel like I've lost someone and I have this sense of yearning but...but they're not mine to yearn for."

Steven looks at you in a way that you know he understands what you mean and yet he's not mad at you, "It's okay, Y/N. You're here. And those versions of us, they have you too. We're all okay, lovey. We'll all be okay." he pulls you into a hug, a hand cradling your head as it rests against him.

You let out a deep breath of relief as you let yourself melt into Steven's warmth.


"Y/N!" America cries out as she throws herself at you and you catch her in your arms, "I'm so glad you're awake!"

You chuckle at the young teen, "Hey, America. How are you?"

"I've been good. Definitely getting better at honing in on my powers! Wanna see?"

Marc steps in, "I think it's too soon for that, kid."

"Right. Got it. Sorry." she looks at you guiltily and deflates a bit.

"Next time. I'll be at full strength and fully ready to take on the multiverse this time." you nudge her and give her a smirk, letting her know that you two were okay.

It's been two days since you've woken up. Each day, a bit of your strength comes back. Eventually, you'll be good as new. Marc and Steven has been great at helping you get back to it. You see the love and devotion in their eyes, and you're forever grateful that, whether it's in this universe or the next, you'll always be loved by some version of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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