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You are always on my mind,

but I don't think I'm always on yours.

I think I like you, much more than you like me.

I think about you every minute, of every day.

Do you think like that of me?

I care for you, 

just you, and only you.

But I know 

you talk to the other girls, 

seek their attention,

physical presence, 


You tell me I'm special,

but how is one to be special when she's just like the rest?

I'm not stupid,

I don't think you know, 

that I see you sneak around.

I feel underappreciated, 



But my sappy self still comes back to you,

like how the sun cannot exist without the moon.

Choose me,


I am and will always be waiting for you.

- K 

My mind, my heart, and my soul.Where stories live. Discover now