Oh who is she..

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( Time line:the week after they went to the Savannah,aslo in the other world)

Ashley looked over to the rest of the group. They were tired and sleepy. They had just out ran some of those creatures. Ashley lays down on the metal floor the buss and sighs*"how long until this shit stops."*Ashley said in an annoyed tone."Eh, who knows, it's kinda fun not going to lie."adien smiled big like he always did.

Taylor and Tyler were putting away their weapons, and Ben and logan were lying on the ground. Adien and Ashley went to the wall and sat on top of it, looking at the red sky. "...sooo did you do the home work"*adien said as he broke the silence. Ashley sighed. "No, I dont have time nore the energy to do it." As adien was about to say something, they heard something from the tree. They heard something. They thought it was one of those demon-like creatures. But it didn't make sense. They don't know how to climb

Adien looked to Ashley. "What do you think it is."ashely stayed quite trying to figure out what was in the tree. She turned to him. "I have no idea what it is,"she looked back at it. Adien smiled big. "we should go and find out." Ashley looked at adien dumb founded."Are you a idoit?" Asien kept smiling." Yes, yes, yes I am"*he looked down and jumped off and into the dark. Ashley was surprised. She wanted to jump, but she couldn't see the ground. She sighed and yelled out, " Is it safe?" Adien yelled back at her "yup don't worry, I will catch you."

Ashely had zero faith in him, but she couldn't just leave him down there.She took a deep breath and jumped off. She closed her eyes. She felt her feat not hit the ground and was in a bridle like position. She opened her eyes and adien was smiling down at her "see, I cought you" he smiled. She tried not to blush and got on to her feat. She didn't look at him. "Thank you," she said as she looked up at the tree. Adien smiled, and they both walked over to the large tree. They looked up and couldn't see anything with all the lefes and plus, it was dark.

Adien jumped on to a thick branch and started to climb"you coming"adien said as he got higher in the tree. Ashley rolled her eyes and started to climb as well. They both finally reached the top of the tree. We'll, they weren't at the top top, but they were close to it. They looked around, and there were thick branches everywhere they looked. They were strong so they could easily hold two people. They walked across a thick branch until they felt something. Ashley spine shiverd, and she didn't want to look up. Adien was a little scared two. He grabbed Ashley's hand and looked up

He froze in fear. It died silent, and all you could hear was adien low and heavy breath. Ashley was scared, but she didn't show it. She looked up and was scared out of her mind. She covered her mouth and heald adiens hand with the other. They saw only these sharp, percying purple eyes in the dark. They went right through your soul, and it felt like you couldn't move or even breathe. Adien tightly grabbed Ashley hand and looked. " Who are you... "adien said with a shaky voice. They dark purple eyes grew wider, and the thing jumped down. You couldn't see anything but the things eyes.

Adien and ashley both snap out of it, and they jump back and start to run. They jump down, not caring if they get hurt. They run back to the gate and start screaming, "LET US IN DAMIT LET US IN!" ashely screamd. Aiden was also screaming. They turned around and saw the creatures coming towards them. Ashely started to scream louder, and so did adien. Tylor finally heard them, and so did the others. They ran and opened the gates just in time. Adien and Ashley landed onto the ground, they where breathing havey. Tyler grabed Ashley into a hug. "What the hell happened!" They all looked at Tyler a little shocked. He hates hugs, but he pulls Ashley into one. She was also a little shocked. "...well, me and Ashley heard something in the trees, and we went to check it out.. There were just glowing purple eyes, and it was not a creature we knew of. It jumped down, but me and I ran off. "adien was breathing havey.

Ashley nodded. Tyler looked at Ashley, then let go." You both are idiots." Ashley stood up and looked mad "Hey im no idiot!" They started to agrue until Logan broke it up. "GUYS!..Stop it please..they are both okay, but know there is something else in this world, and we need to figure out what it is."

They all stood there quite for a moment before they all nodded. "We have like 3 minutes left before we head back to the real world," Taylor said with a soft tone. Ben smiled, he always liked it when Taylor talked, he finda her voice relaxing then the others. They all sat down. They looked at each other and closed their eyes. As Ashley opens her eyes, she is back in her room. It's kind of cold but not bad. She looked around and sat up. She rubs her head and grabs her phone to check the time. Logan texts in the group chat, and so doesn't the others. Ashely mind runs blank, and she puts her phone down and sighs. She curls up into a ball. She thinks for minutes that felt like hours to her. She sat up and walked over to her window. She looked at the rising sun. She knew it was a girl. It was a she didn't say anything. She sighed once more. "Oh..who is she..."

((HI guys! I hope you enjoyed it, and I will post next week!^^ If you have any ships I can put in, I will gladly do))


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