I see my reflection in your eyes

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Time line: Ashlyn house and the school

Ashlyn alarm went off, and she rubbed her eyes. She looked at the time and sighed. It had been a week since the..thing had appeared. They all looked for the thing but never found it. She stood up and got changed. She put her hair in a ponytail, she didn't have time to braid it and she was too tired to care. She got her coffee and went out the door where she met adien and Ben at the front of her house. They allways wait for her. She waved at them, and adien smiled. " Tired," he smirked a little. Ashlyn rolled her eyes. Ben smiled at them. They got on to the buss, Ashlyn sat with Taylor, Ben sat with adien ans Tyler sat alone. They were wondering where Logan was.

They got to school and walked down the halls. The group was talking, but Ashlyn mind whent in to space and wondered who that girl was from a week ago. She was in her own world until Taylor put a hand on her shoulder and pointed in front of them. They all stopped. Ashlyn looked up. They all were pissted off. In front of them were logan and his bull's. They shoved him against the locker and laughed. Logan was so scared to say anything. Ashlyn was ready to throw hands.

Ben was getting very, very pissted off, and adien led Ben to the side and tried to calm him down. Tylor and Ashlyn were about to throw hands, and Taylor tried to stop them. Suddenly, they saw the main bully get thrown across the floor and landed at Ashlyn and Tyler feet. They both backed up shocked, and so did Taylor. Ben and Adien were very surprised as well. Logan slowly stepped back, and the other bulls stepped back, terrified. Shivers whent up their spines.

The group of teens looked in front of them to be surprised it was a girl. She had long hair that went down to her back and purple eyes..."What the hell..." Tyler said as he was so surprised. The girl looked right at Ashlyn, and they made Eye contact . They shot right through her, and she collapsed onto the ground. "It's the thing..those eyes."

The others looked at Ashley and were very concerned for her. Tyler picked her up gently and put her back on her feet."Are you okay, Ashlyn?" Ashlyn nooded that she was okay. Taylor heald her up by the wasit, and Ben walked over with Adien and stood in front of her. They all looked at the girl and adien aslo new it was the creature from that night. They all were wondering if she was even human or not. She girl steps closer to Logan, and logan looks up at her with terrified eyes. Taylor looks down at the bulky who is still lying there. Blood dried from his mouth, and he was in totally shock. Taylor was scared of her mind on what she could do to logan."omg..."

Ashlyn was about to say something until the girl put her hand out for logan. They were all surprised. Logan hesitated for a moment.. he sighed and took the girls hand. It was soft but colder than the moon. She put logan on his feet. Their eyes widened as the girl smiled at logan, "Are you okay?"she said with a. Gentle voice that was like the beaming sun on your skin. Logan blushed a little "Y-Yes I'm okay," he smiled back. ( NOT A SHIP HES JUST EMBARRASSED) The group of teens stood there shocked. She let go of logans hand and smiled before she walked away.

Logan walked over to them, and Taylor hugged him tightly. "You're okay!" Logan smiled and hugged her back. Tyler and Ashlyn looked at the girl as she walked away. Her hair went left to right softly as she walked. "..it's the thing that me ans Ashlyn saw a week ago. I guess it's a girl." Adien said in a serious tone. They all stood there quite. They jumped a little when they heard the bell, and it was time for class. They all agreed to talk about it at lunch.

After they got down with their classes, they headed to lunch. They all sat down, and it was quiet. Taylor final broke the silence."So..it's not a monster but a girl.." Taylor said as she picked at her food. Tyler got annoyed and spoke up loudly, "Are we sure that girl, even human! I mean, she kicked a guy across the floor and was left there in shock. That's not normal." Ben looked at his food for what felt like minutes until he got his phone and texted the group chat," She could be just really strong, and maybe she's not a bad person. She did help logan

They all say there."I've never seen her before.." Ashley thought for a minute, "logans right, I've never seen her, and she would be easy to spot," Ashley said as she picked at her food. "Those eyes are not normal ether, I mean who the hell as purple eyes that glow in the dark!" Tyler said with angery. Taylor calmed him down. Adien stayed quiet. He was thinking about her and how she has kind of liked him. He has redish eyes, which is very uncommon. A girl with purple eyes, what if she was like him.

All of a sudden, they were hit with a chilling shock that ran up their spines. They all looked to the end of the table to see the girl. They were surprised. They didn't even see or hear her walk up to them. Ashlyn stood up and faced her. "You're the girl who saved logan.." She smiled softly. "Yes, I am." They all kept looking at her. The girl broke the silence, "My name is Scarlett James." Ashley took notes, and they knew her name. The girl looked at Adien, and they made Eye contact. The girl looked away and said in a low tone."I guess I will see you tonight, huh?" She chukkled and walked away. They all looked at each other but Adien and knew that she was the one in the tree. Adien thought to himself, "I see my reflection in your eyes.."

(HI guys, thank you guys for the support, and I love weighting things and dont be scared to share:)


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