Poison eyes

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Time line: The other world(stealing the jeep)

Ashlyn rubbed her head and sighed. They all agreed that they would do the plan of getting the jeep. They were allso still waiting for the girl. "Where is even Scarlett?"logan asked as his head was looking at the ground. "I'm not sure.. we don't even know we're she stays overnight. They all fell silent, nit sure what to say. Ashlyn got up and looked at them,"we might see her, but we need to get the jeep tonight." Everyone agreed, and they got up. They went to the wall and waited.

They looked down and checked. There were no creatures to be seen. They sat there until they heard something in the tree. The same tree was Adien, and Ashlyn met Scarlett. Tyler grabbed the gun and shot at the thing in the tree. Ashlyn grabes Tyler's arm,"Scarlett could be there!" They agrued until they heard a chukkle. They all looked up, and Scarlett was sitting on a branch."Wow, you hate me that much that you want to kill me? We just met, " she smirked. Taylor smiled," Hey Scarlett."

*she jumped down and onto the wall where they were sitting*(the tree branch is right over the wall)Ashlyn explained the plan to Scarlett, "We are going to get my dad's jeep." Scarlett smiled "Allright that sounds like a plan. Let's go." They tied the rope down, and they slid down it. Adien jumped(of crouse) "YEAHHHHHH!" They all looked at him as he fell,"this dumbest I swear, " Ashlyn said as she rolled her eyes. They all were on the floor, and they started to run, logan stayed back. They got to the car, and the creatures started to see. Ashlyn tried to open the door, but it was locked. "Shit! It's locked!" Ashlyn said in a frustrated tone. They decided to run inside and grab the keys from inside.

The rest ran in the house. Adien hurt his ankle and fell. Ashlyn was about to pick him up. Suddenly, a creature grabbed her by the neck and slammed her against the roof. "ASHLYN!"he yelled out. The others couldn't hear him. Ashlyn got nocked out and was dragged by the creature going up onto the roof of the house. With the others, they were trying to find the keys. Tyler and Scarlett were downstairs looking. Ben and Taylor were up stares looking for the keys.

Tyler and Scarlett ran up the stairs to find Ben and Taylor. "They got through the door!" Tyler grabbed Taylor arm and they ran to Ashlyn room, Ben and Scarlett ran, and Scarlett slammed the door and locked it. They all were breathing havey. Taylor has the keys, and she looks out the window to see Adien pulling Ashlyn to the window."Oh shit," Tyler grabbed Ashley gently and put her on his back. Adien got on Ben's back.

They didn't hear anything. Tyler was about to open the door until Scarlett yelled out, "Wait! They could be down stairs waiting for us."We can't hear anything, so they're gone." Tyler said back. Tyler opened the door and shined a light down stairs, and there were lots of those things staring at them. Tyler and Ashlyn screamed, and Tyler jumped back. "I told you!" Scarlett said loudly. She grabbed a big flash light and shined it down the stairs.

The creatures moved out of the way, and the others also pulled out their flash lights. They all whent out the door and headed to the jeep. They got in the Jeep and Scarlett and were fighting them off. She was able to fight, but there were lots. Everyone was in the jeep, Scarlett got in the back and geabed a gun and started to shoot the creatures. Taylor was driving, and the others were hanging on for dear life.

Scarlett was about to fall off and was still trying to shoot the things. Ashlyn yelled in to her Walkie talkie,"LOGAN OPEN THE GATE KNOW!" Logan ran and opened the gate. The jeep zoomed in, and luckily, once they were in the grave yard, Scarlett fell off the jeep and slammed her head on a rock. The others didn't notice since they were still in the jeep. They parked, and they all got out throwing up. Logan ran over to Scarlett to see if she was okay,"omg Scarlett, are you okay!" She chukkled a little and smiled up at logan."Don't worry, I'm okay."

The others went over to Scarlett to check if she was okay. Taylor looked at Ashlyn and Scarletts head. Both were bleeding, and they were hella dizzy. Taylor lifted Ashlyn up onto her feet, and Adien did the same thing to Scarlett. They all breathed, havey. Logan felt bad because he didn't do much. He felt like he wasn't enough. "Hey, did you guys see that logan shot right through a creatures head! It was so cool." Adien said as he made the gun sigh to his head. Ashlyn smiled at logan."Thank you logan..you did grear" logan was blushing from enbaresdment but aslo very happy.

They all rubbed their heads. It was quiet. Taylor looked down at her hands to see the keys. She realized that they did it. She raised the keys up and yelled, " GUYS! We did it!" She smiled big. They all looked at her and smiled as well. They had done it. Adien looked at Ashlyn,"Hey, are you good there, ash?" Their eyes widen, Ashlyn looked at them and smiled. She never smiles,"Yeah, I'm okay, just a little dizzy." she went kind of limp, and Taylor cought her. Adien smiled at Ashlyn softly. Scarlett wisperd to him,"You like her, don't you?" she grinned. Adien dropped her, and she fell on her face. They all looked at Scarlett on the ground. "Worth it," he gave a thumbs up and stood up. Adien laughed and helped her stand. They all smiled at each other."Soo.. since I don't know you guys, how about we play some ice breakers-" they all looked at Scarlett. "Are you serious -"

(This next part was not in the webtoon, but I don't know if we're to add her finding out about each of them, so yeah, they aslo only have 10 minutes left before they go back to the human world)

They all sat around the campfire. They looked at Adien."How about you start, Adien?" Taylor suggested. "Okay, my name is Adien, and I love puzzles!" He smiled big. Ben got his sketch book out. He wrote, "Hi, my name is Ben, and I like music." he smiled at Scarlett, and she smiled back. "Hi, my name is Taylor, and I like to make friends!" She smiled big. Tyler sighed, "My name Tyler and I like to do sports." Scarlett smiled, but he looked away, ignoring her."My name is logan, and I like to garden with my grandparents."He smiled a little."My name is Ashlyn, and I have a hearing problem." Scarlett took note of everyone on how they react and what they like. "Hi, my name is Scarlett, and I have a younger brother named Alex." She smiled at them.

They all took note of her. "So if you wouldn't mind, could you tell us more about yourself?" Scarlett nodded."I wouldn't mind at all. I grew up in Idaho, but I moved here when I was 10." Adien looked at her and asked,"You lived in Idaho?" Scarlett nodded. Logan checked the time. "We only have 5 minutes left before he heads back to the human world." Adien kept looking at Scarlett until he final spoke up."Hey Scarlett, can we talk alone." The others looked at adien and Scarlett. Scarlett got up and nodded. They went into the buss, and the others waited by the campfire.

They both sat down next to each other. Adien finally spoke after a little bit of sitting there. "Why are yours eyes purple, and when me and I saw you in the tree, why do they glow in the dark." He said in a serious tone. Scarlett had taken note of everyone even when they were in the human world. She sighed, "it's a rare disease.. it's poison, it's slowly..killing me and I don't know how much longer I will live..." Adien was shocked, "you might die.." She looked at him and smiled. "Yeah..and the poison causes them to glow." Adien was shocked, I mean, he never met anyone with purple eyes, 77but the fact it's killing her makes it even more sad.

Adien hugged her tightly. He might have just met this girl, but that will never change the fact that she is a person with a life. She smiled at him and hugged him back. "If you don't mind..would you not tell the others.. if we're do grow close, I don't want them yo find out." Scarlett said in a calm voice. Adien nodded and let her go. "I won't tell anyone," he smiled. Logan timer went off, and they went back to their house. Adien sat up, he looked out the window. "So the girl has poison eyes..."

((Thanm you guys so much I love making these AND REMABER PLEASE SHARE I WANT THE WHOLE FANDOM TO ENJOY THIS! I will see you guys next week!)


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