I think his name is Baxter Stockman

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Master Splinter and Ryliee are in the dojo, deep in a meditative trance. They were snapped out of it when they hear Mikey's voice calling out for his brothers.
"Guys, guys, get in your spot!"
"Alright, Mikey, but this is the last time!"
"Alright, Mikey, but don't clip me this time!"
"Ugh. Ate too much cheese."
"And now the kid goes for the world record! He will attempt to jump three mutant turtles!" Mikey exclaims.
"I can't believe he talked us into this." Raph mutters to Leo and Donnie.

"Ya! Booyakasha!" Mikey skates down the makeshift ramp.
"What is going on in here?" Splinter demands as he and Ryliee walk in making his sons stand up immediately.
"Sensei! Ryliee!"
"Whoa!" Mikey crashes into his brothers, the four ending up in a pile on the floor.
"How many times have I told you not to skateboard in the lair?"
"None, Sensei." Mikey says.
"I shouldn't have to tell you!" Splinter told him as his sons stand up.
"You're right, Sensei." Leo says as he, Raph, and Donnie narrow their eyes at Mikey, who looks away sheepishly, "We definitely should have known better and we deserve to be punished. Eh, some." Embarrassed that Ryliee had to witness this moment.
Splinter strokes his beard, turning in Ryliee's direction, "Ryliee?"
The blonde looks up, "Yes, Master Splinter."
"What do you think would be a fitting punishment?"
Ryliee's eyes widen, "You want...me to decide their punishment?"
Ryliee looks over at the guys, Mikey pretending to think, Donnie whistling while looking around innocently, Raph reading a comic, and Leo giving her a reassuring smile. The blonde stammers a little "Well, I would suggest that they...clean up their mess..." she trails off as Splinter crosses his arms, "And then...think about what they did." She would have no idea she never got grounded she's always been busy with training.
"Sounds about right."
"We were wrong."
"Wouldn't want to do too much."
"No worries."
"What about being grounded for a week?" Splinter suggests.
"A week?" Ryliee's eyes widen, "I mean, that's a long time to be grounded for..."
"Oh, I'm not sure that's-"
"I'm cool with the thinking."
"Really, that's not necessary."
"Maybe next time."
Leo, Mikey, Donnie, and Raph say.
"You're grounded for a week!"
The Turtles groan in defeat before the skateboard ramp collapses, making them straighten up.
Raph groans as he paces in front of Leo and Mikey, the former looking bored as the latter reads a comic, "Gah! This bites! I can't believe we're stuck down here for a whole week!"
"I think you guys can handle a week since you've been stuck down here for fifteen years." Ryliee comments while she was reading a book Cassandra gave her for her powers. Raph goes to argue with her, but she holds a finger up, "You know what I'm saying is true."
Raph stops, "Crud, she's right." "Thank you~"she sings from not looking away at her book.
Donnie runs over to them, looking excited, "Guys, guys! You wanna see what I made?"
"This is how bored I am." Raph gestures to his brother before turning to him, "Yes, Donnie. I do."
"Ok, ok, ok! Remember the other day I was scrounging in that military junkyard?"
"No." the others respond.
"Yes." Ryliee said as she knows what it is.
"Well, I found an incredibly advanced A. I. microchip, made from-Get this! Self-assembled chain-linked copolymers!" Donnie grins in excitement.
"That's my favorite kind of copolymer." Mikey comments before going back to his comic.
"Mine too! And I used it to make this." Donnie holds up a glowing device, "The most advanced music player in the world."
The four look at it in awe, "Whoa..."
"So who wants to try it?"
"I do!" Mikey raises his hand, "Toss me the T-Pod."
"The T-Pod?"
"Turtle. Pod. T-Pod." Mikey chuckles, "I am so good at naming stuff."
Donnie hands him the T-Pod along with some headphones.
"Donnie, is it safe?" Ryliee looks concerned.
"You're really gonna plug an advanced piece of military technology directly into Mikey's head?" Raph points at his head, "What if it melts his brain?"
"It won't." Donnie waves a hand on reassurance, "And even if it did, who'd know the difference?"
Mikey sticks his tongue out and presses a button before screaming in agony.
"What?! What's wrong?!" Donnie asks in a panic.
"It's polka! Make it stop! Make it stop!"
Ryliee shakes her head smiling walks over, "Just hit skip." she presses the button before walking away as it switches to an electronic hip-hop genre.
"Thanks, Mama Ryles!"
"No problem."
Mikey starts dancing to the music, his brothers and Ryliee watching.
"That's it." Raph raises his hands and starts heading to the exit, "I gotta get out of here."
Leo follows after him, "Where are you going? We're grounded."
"You're not allowed to go out, Raph." Ryliee adds as Mikey does the classic Michael Jackson "He-He!". She let out a laugh.
"I don't care. I gotta do something or I'm gonna go nuts!" Raph steps on his skateboard to get it into the air and then grabs it, "Let's find a skate spot!"
"Skate spot? I'm totally in!" Mikey shouts over the music as he continues jamming.
"But what's Splinter gonna say?" Leo asks.
''I don't know what's going on, because they snuck out while I was asleep."." Raph mimics Splinter's voice.
"You really think a father wouldn't know about his children sneaking out?" Ryliee crosses her arms.
"Oh, yeah, like you ever snuck out of your mansion, your highness." Raph comments, making her scoff. "Actually, I couldn't sneak out with royal guards watching my every move, plus there was nothing exciting about sneaking out. It always causes trouble." She said with her arms crossed against her chest.
"Heh. Real mature." Leo crosses his arms, "But I'm your leader. And as your leader, I say nobody's going."
"Well as your followers, we're going anyway." Raph told him as Donnie and Mikey joined his side, "And Ryliee, you're coming with us. You need to let loose some, you're just like Leo. All you do is train, study, or whatever else you do."
"Are you saying I don't know how to have fun?" Ryliee looks offended, "Okay, Raph I'll show you some fun where are my roller blades at?" She asked looking for roller blades.
"Well, as your leader, I'm going with you. To lead you. Away from...bad stuff." Leo says before Mikey screams and grabs his head, falling to the ground, "What's wrong?!"
"It's back to polka! We've got to get some more tunes on this!"
Sirens could be heard wailing as the Turtles ran across the rooftops, Mikey using his skateboard while his brothers had theirs strapped to their backs. Ryliee skated and flipped doing tricks across the rooftops, watching as Mikey was having fun, skating along and performing tricks while listening to the T-Pod's music.
"Hey, Donnie! Thanks for all the new songs!" Mikey calls out.
"Wait, what new songs?" Donnie asks.
"Keep it down, you guys!" Leo whispers.
Donnie leaps up and lands on Mikey's shoulders to see the T-Pod, "What the? It's got thousands of songs and it keeps downloading new ones every second!"
"So?" Raph runs alongside his youngest brother.
"So, I didn't program it to do that." Donnie flips off of Mikey's shoulders to be right side up and runs next to him, "It's reconfiguring itself somehow." he gasps in realization,
"It's that chip!"
"Whatever it is, it's awesome!" Mikey cheers loudly as he leaps into the air.
"Guys! We're ninjas, remember? We move swiftly and here's the important part silently." Leo falls off the building with a scream as he lands in a greenhouse, stumbling around and making a bunch of noise, "Beehive!" he screams as he emerges from the other side of the greenhouse and falls off another roof, tumbling down the fire escape before landing on trash with swirly eyes.
"Leo!" Ryliee rushes down to check on him.
"That wasn't very silent, Leo!" Raph calls from the rooftop where he, Donnie, and Mikey were.
Ryliee looks up with a death glare with her eyes glowing purple one would see in an anime as the three turtles gulp in slight fear. Her eyes turn back to normal then she then looks down at Leo before helping him up. He smiles when he grabs her hand and laughs a bit after the seeing the fear in his brother's faces, especially Ralph's.
The five land on a rooftop overlooking a skate spot.
"Check that out."
"Let's grind it."
"Already ahead of you Mikester." Ryliee shouted already doing a bunch of tricks with her roller blades. "Hey Raph am I 'fun enough' yet!?" She said as she rolled down the skate ramp, flipped as she went into the air and did few twists and turns and land perfectly next to the turtles as their eyes were widen.

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