Baxter's Gambit

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Donnie spies on the Kranng, observing a weapon that one of the Normans was holding,
"Whoa! That's a sub-spatial endoparticle disrupter." "Gonna have to explain if that's "oh, no" or "yay"." Leo told him. "It's most definitely a "oh, no"." Ryliee answers. "As always Ryles is right." Donnie says.  "Why? What does it do?" Mikey asks. Donnie looks up at Ryliee for her to explain, "The disrupter can de-synchronize subatomic resonances, which invert polymolecular
structures, causing them to implode." Mikey shrugs as he still looks confused. "It makes things go "boom"." Raph explains to him."Technically, it makes things go zwee-chooooo!" Donnie pops his lips as the others blink at him. "It's important to be accurate."

On another rooftop, Stockman was spying on the Kraang as well, "With that endoparticle disrupter in our arsenal, we'll be unstoppable. All right, men, we move on my signal." he holds up a hand before letting out a shout as Dogpound grabs a hold of him. "Your signal?" "Please, don't hurt me." Stockman pleads.
"You do what we say, and then you thank us for letting you live. Got it, Stinkman?" Dogpound throws him towards a ceiling window. "Whoa." Stockman looks up at him, slightly angry, "Stockman. It's Stockman." he grunts when Fishface gives him a kick. "What was that?" "Nothing!" Stockman denies as Fishface narrows his eyes at him, "Thank you for letting me live." "Screw this up, I'll finish you myself. Remember that." Fishface walks over to where Dogpound was. Stockman clenches his fist with a vengeful expression, "Just you wait, freaks." "Okay, guys. Get in position." Leo commands to his brothers and girlfriend.  "On my mark." Dogpound commands to the Foot ninjas. Ryliee and a Foot ninja move into position.
"Ready..." "Set..." "Let's just do this." Raph complains. "Enough talk." Fishface complains.
Both clans land on either sides of the Kraang, looking confused at each others presence. *
"Huh. We get the best of both worlds." Ryliee activated her powers.
"Kraang and Fishface and Dogpound?" Raph grins excitedly, "I must be dreaming.
Pinch me." Mikey pinches his cheek, "Ow." he hits his brother in the head.
"Ow, you said!" Mikey told him. The fight begins, Ryliee and Leo both taking down the Kraang and Foot ninjas before moving onto Dogpound. Donnie takes down the Kraang while Mikey takes down both the Kraang and the Foot ninjas. Meanwhile, Raph and Fishface fight against each other. Stockman yelps as he dodges a Kraang laser, "Wha..." he stumbles back and heads to the door on the rooftop, trying to open it, "Oh, you gotta be kidding." A Norman picks up the sub-spatial endoparticle disrupter and aims it at Mikey. He then fires, Donnie tackling his brother out of the way. The blast hits a car and makes the exact noise that Donnie described.
"Whoa. Donnie, you totally called it, bro." Mikey says. The Kraang get away, driving away in their van. Dogpound sees this and runs off. "Guys, we gotta move." Leo commands before spotting Raph still fighting Fishface, "Raph, now." Raph and Fishface push away from each other. "Yes, run along now, boy." Fishface runs away. "This isn't over, Fishface." Raph declares as the Turtles and Ryliee get away. "Hello? Anyone? I'm kind of stuck up here. Hello?!" Stockman looks around, abandoned on the rooftop. Splinter stands behind his sons with a wooden sword in his hand. He starts with Donnie. He holds the sword over his head and Donnie moves, but gets hit in the head. "Oh! Aw, man." Donnie rubs his head as Splinter moves on to Mikey, who widens his eyes as the rat mutant holds the sword over his head.
Mikey flinches about three times before looking back, "Just so we're clear, Sensei, you are planning on swinging, right? Ah!" he gets hit on the head, the orange-masked turtle rubbing it as Splinter moves onto Raph. Raph goes to move, but gets hit on the head as well, "Ow!"
Splinter moves behind Leo, raising the sword up. The blue-masked turtle's eyes widen as the sword lowers, Leo moving out of the way and backflipping. "Yes!" he cheers, pumping a fist, he looks over at Ryliee and winks at her making her blush. "What is the point of this, anyway?" Raph asks."Evading a sword you cannot see demonstrates an ability to sense your enemy's intention." Splinter explains."I already know my enemy's intention, Sensei, to take me down."
"Knowing that your enemy will strike is a given. But sensing when he will strike can mean the difference between victory and defeat." "Hai, Sensei." Raph says as he and his brothers bow.
Splinter turns to the ravenette in the room, "Ryliee, you are continuing your sister's training for today."  Ryliee smiles and bows, "Hai, Sensei."

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