Accident or Destiny

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Drake was a bit late. The charismatic lady was already present there, busy with her cold coffee and immersed in her literary world. Drake entered the shop, and within a few seconds, he could identify the person he was looking for, even among fifty other people. He grabbed the opposite chair to her. She looked more royal today, in that sleeveless black gown and black hand gloves. Even over the gloves, she was carrying that steel bracelet on her right wrist. The royal black cap was an accessory to her wavy hair. The thin eye-liner and maroon lips gave her the final touch, making her look like a fairy.
But this beauty wasn’t able to melt the ice inside Drake’s heart. Mesmerized at the first moment, the next moment he tried to control his thoughts. As soon as she lifted her head and saw the familiar face, she greeted with a polite smile and was about to dive into her own world again when Drake said,
-‘Did you finish the book or are you yet to finish?’
Sylvia was deeply astonished. She didn’t expect a man randomly met in a coffee shop to remember those tiniest details about her. The next moment she hid her astonishment and said with a gentle smile,
-‘Yeah, almost finished. How about you?’
Drake ordered his cup of coffee.
-‘En Michelles. Remember on what terms we agreed last week.’ Drake placed the book in front of her.
Sylvia was even more surprised at how the person opposite her just remembered everything about that meeting. She didn’t really think that much before agreeing on things. She took the book and said with a sigh,
-‘Oh! You brought…’
While turning one or two pages, a photo just dropped on the floor. Drake lifted it but didn’t try to hide it, simply kept it on the table. By that time, Sylvia had already seen the photo.
-‘Your family is so sweet,’ she commented.
The picture was of Drake trying to console Russell, who was busy crying on his father’s lap, while Rose stood beside her father without a clue. What a sweet picture it was!
-‘Yes, it was when my son was around one year old.’ Drake gave a soft smile. ‘Sorry! I didn’t know it was there.’
Sylvia noticed it carefully how Drake didn’t try to hide the picture, didn’t try to hide his family-man status.
Drake was about to take the photo, but the person opposite him said in a deep voice,
-‘If you don’t mind the privacy, you can keep the picture where it was. You can give me the book next time.’
-‘I’ll keep it there then. I know it will stay safe in those hands.’
-‘You trust a stranger so much!’ Sylvia replied. Within the time, the waiter served Drake’s coffee. Drake didn’t reply to Sylvia’s previous statement. A moment of silence. Then he broke the silence and said,
-‘Why did you lie to me, Sylvia?’
Sylvia got astonished seeing the man she barely knew just called her by her first name, that too this confidently, not a single time his voice trembled.
-‘What did I say?’
-‘You said…’
Drake suddenly remembered Sylvia never really said she comes on Friday. It was just his assumption.
-‘But… you phrased it like that. When I said I would come to return the book on Friday, you didn’t correct me that you never come on that day… Does that mean you didn’t want to see my face again?’
-‘How does it matter what I want… Things will happen anyway, what is destined to happen.’ She replied in a calm voice.
-‘Don’t use these philosophical escapes. I want an answer.’
Sylvia looked straight into his eyes and said,
-‘What was the purpose of telling you that I come on this day? You said you come here during office lunch break. Saturday is a holiday. Even on holidays, instead of taking rest, will you come all the way just to return a book?’
This was the first time Drake saw humanly kindness in those radiant eyes. With this caring effect, they looked even more beautiful now.
-‘I can if needed,’ Drake said.
-‘Not needed. This is a mere poetry book. You can buy one hundred copies of it if you want to. Why bear all this hustle?’
-‘Because I believe poetries feel more profound when read by sharing books. Maybe a verse highlighted by one carries a deep connection with her; when the same highlights will be read by another person, he might understand how one felt, and they will know each other.’
-‘And why would you want to know me?’
-‘There is a saying that goes, a beautiful soul will find another one.’
-‘My soul might not be as beautiful as my cover.’
-‘Even if it is grey now, it can’t be this color from the beginning. There must be a story of how it turned out to be the way it is now. So I will either meet a beautiful soul or learn an untold story. It is a win-win either way.’
The girl carrying that stern, fierce look also couldn’t help blushing. She gave a shy smile.
-‘All these poetic words just for an M. Rushveld book,’ she said in a low tone while placing it on the table.
-‘Though I am not asking it totally free. Here is my En Michelles book I am putting.’
Her coffee was half-finished. She took the En Michelles book. It was her time to leave. She left her seat. Drake asked in a very polite tone,
-‘May I treat you with this cup of coffee?’
She gave a radiating smile and said even more politely,
-‘Please. Pardon me, but I'll cover my own coffee bill.’ Then she pointed to the book in her hand and said, ’These highlights are already a treat to one’s soul. As you said, we either meet a beautiful soul or learn an untold story!’
Even Drake got embarrassed. He looked down and nodded shyly with a gentle smile.
Sylvia paid her bill and left the café.
Oh! This lady! What was she made up of! With her presence, every moment felt special. Drake smiled to himself a bit and then, taking the book, he also left the café.

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