Mirage X N - My Little Golden Retriever

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The two exit the arcade, with Mirage victorious over N.

Mirage: "Now you owe me dinner later."
N: "Alrighty then! Good thing we can use these vouchers!"

Time had passed greatly during their little escapade, already reaching the afternoon.
Although the sun had shined greatly before, it was covered by heavy, dark clouds.
Mirage had looked up to see this worrying sight.

Mirage: "And today's the day I decided to not bring an umbrella...Great....Hey N, you have an umbrella in there?"
N: "I think I have one...Oh, sorry, I actually left it at home..."
Mirage: "Ugh, well, no way but through it, I suppose."

Mirage and N then run down the street, running through the heavy rain. Their frantic running splashed the water beneath their feet. As the rain gets intense, their clothes start to get soaked. Mirage figured that if they continued running through the rain, all they would get are soggy clothes and a cold. Mirage then spotted an area of dry land with a roof over it. Without thinking, she grabs N's arm and drags him with her as she ran to the dry area. 

From under the roof, they recover themselves from the full sprint they just did earlier, their breaths frantic as they try to catch it. Mirage takes a look at the sign posted near the area they're taking refuge in.
It read:

Love Hotel. (now with dryers!)

Mirage: "Oh shit."
N: "What? What is it, Mirage?"
Mirage: "Oh, it's uh, nothing..."

N then turns to look at the sign, reading what it said.

N: "Love...hotel?! Isn't that where....couples go..?"
Mirage: "Yeah..."
Mirage (Mind): "Great, it had to be a love hotel, of all the things it could have been...
Generally, I want to avoid getting a cold, and I don't think N would enjoy a cold either. If we want to avoid getting one, we have to take off these soggy clothes and freshen ourselves up...
Which means....we're gonna have to buy a room..."

Mirage then told N.

Mirage: "N, look, we're both soaked from the rain, and I don't enjoy getting a cold. So, we're...gonna have to buy a room, okay?"
N: "But that's where couples go! If we buy one, we'll look like a couple too!"
Mirage: "N, we're only buying one to freshen ourselves up and get our clothes dry again! Just...don't think about it, okay?"
N: "...Alright."

N blushes from the thought of being a couple with Mirage. Mirage blushes as well from the thought of being a couple with N, paired with the embarrassment of going inside a love hotel in the first place.

Hesitantly, Mirage grabbed N and went inside the hotel. There, she approached the clerk at the front desk.

Mirage: "Hi, uh, excuse me, sir?"
Minos: "Yes, how may I be of service to thee?
Mirage: "Yeah, I would like to buy a room for me and my....friend...over here.. I swear, it's not what you think. We're just trying to freshen up from the rain."
Minos:  "Ah, I see. Fret not, miss. Thou need not to state thy reasons. Thy secret is kept safe here."
Mirage: "Wait, that's not what I-"

Mirage is interrupted as Minos searches for any available rooms in the hotel through the computer.

Minos: "Ah, here we go, Rooms 999 and 1000 are currently available. Please pick thy choice."
Mirage: "Uhhh, Room 999, I guess?" 

Minos then grabs the keys to Room 999 from the desk, and hands it over to Mirage.

Minos: "Due to a promotion we're doing, any new visitors will have their first room completely free of charge. Now, enjoy thyselves."

Mirage swallowed her throat as she held the keys in her palm, anxious.

Mirage: "Come on, let's go, N...."

(Mirage x N and J x V2) ULTRADrones funny smutfic stuff by necoWhere stories live. Discover now