solutions or comfort pt2

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"God, Y/N, why are you so clingy?" Jack's words echoed in my mind. I couldn't understand why he would say such a thing, why he would dismiss my need for emotional support.

I woke up to Lando shaking me awake because I accidentally slept in after the night I had, I just needed sleep i went to the bathroom and that's when I saw my puffy eyes, i quickly washed my face and went to go eat the yogurt and berries lando had prepared for me

lando came up behind me and gave me a kiss on the head telling me everything was going to be okay, I sat down in Lando streaming room on his couch he has in there and started editing the photos I needed to edit before posting them on the McLaren Instagram account

soon a message appeared on my phone jack jack❤️ I'm sorry for last night please call me when you see this

I ignored it because if he was going to call me clingy then I was going to give him the space he much deserved, I went about my day as normal as soon as Lando finished his stream we went and had a movie day in our shared room

as I was laying in Lando's arms I felt my phone ding again Jack Jack ❤️ Y/n I'm sorry please text me back please.

I turned to Lando, showing him the apology text from Jack. "babe it's up to you if you want to text him back, and if you want to keep ignoring him then you can" Lando spoke gently to me giving me a kiss on the lips

I gathered all the courage I could and called Jack, then the phone didn't ring for that long when Jack answered "Omg y/n I didn't think you would ever talk to me again" he rushed out but it was clear in his voice that he had been crying

"Yeah, well you fucked up big time so do you want to explain or just sweep in under the carpet" I spoke with hurt and anger lacing my voice

"I know I know What I said yesterday was completely out of line. I shouldn't have called you clingy. I was... I was just frustrated, and I took it out on you. I'm sorry." He cried

"yeah well sorry doesn't always fix shit and this time you really fucked up and I just want space from you right now" I spoke with pure anger and with that I hung up on jack and just cuddle with Lando and just cried

Y/n Hughes x Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now