My boyfriend got stolen

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Lando had the week off from F1 and so did I so we decided to take a trip to my brother's lake house,

"you comfy" Lando asked me as I sat on his lap watching the fire "Mhm" I let out a little hum but soon I felt myself being pushed off my boyfriend by Cole

I sat there on the floor with a pout looking up at Lando and Cole "Fan behaviour" I mumbled "Go cry about it" Cole jokingly said so I got up and walked over to my eldest brother Quinn and wrapped my arms around him laying my head on his chest

"what's wrong," he asked running his finger threw my hair "My boyfriend got stolen" I pouted pointing over to Cole and Lando "Oh I'm sorry bub" Quinn placed a kiss on my forehead like he had done ever since I was a baby. 

"See look what you have done, you made the baby sad" Jack Joked "I'm not a baby Luke is" I mumbled into Quinn's chest everyone laughed and agreed, soon Lando pushed Cole away playfully and came over to me and picked me up cradling me 

"I would disagree she looks like a baby to me" Quinn joked and everyone began to start laughing again while I just pouted and started to close my eyes and soon sleep took over my body  

Y/n Hughes x Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now