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JG -


my head shot up from my desk as a screeching Mrs. Shapur yelled at me.

"sleeping again?" she asked

"It seems so" I said, as Sammy and Cameron laughed next to me.

Mrs. Shapur smirked devilishly as she looked to the board.

"what's the square root of 7 multiplied by -9,573, subtracted by the square root of 62, plus -1?" she asked, trying to embarrass me.

"I 'do' a lot of things, but I don't do math" I chuckled as I got laughs from the class.

Mrs. Shapur's face boiled a deep red.

"sexual jokes will not be tolerated. go the the office gilinsky" she screamed, making everyone shut up.

I groaned while Sam and Cameron snickered as I walked out of the classroom.

JJ -

I rolled my eyes as jack left the classroom.

so immature.


"she thinks we're 'a thing' but all I wanted was to see her boobs" I heard Sammy complain to his meathead friends.


I hate being in the locker room before PE.

it's weird being the only gay guy in there because ALL they talk about is handjobs and boobs and vaginas and lesbian pornos.

I've been bullied in there quite a few times, but I avoid the boys as much as I can.

but they just couldn't help themselves today.

"hey Johnson!" I heard Cameron pipe up at me.

"not today" I said under my breath

"you like dicks, right?" he chuckled as I heard the laughs of the other guys.

he then spun me around and slammed me against the locker.

I winced in pain as my tiny body ached.

"how big is your boner right now, little Johnson?" he asked getting in my face

"I mean, aren't you pretty damn horny being in a locker room full of naked guys? there's just so much dick" he chuckled as he brushed his finger against my lips.

I didn't reply, as I tried turning my face away from his.

"aren't you?" he asked slamming me again.

"no" I squeaked out quietly

"oh so you like chicks?" he said surprisingly

"no" I squeaked out again.

"then what do you like?" he asked chuckling

"yeah, dicks or vaginas?" Sammy asked trying to get a rise

"don't wanna answer the question? we all know you like guys. and that you think I'm totally hot. and that every guy in here is hot. hell, I know how much you wanna bang gilinsky" he said as he threw me at jack's feet.

I yelped as I curled myself up, giving myself any protection I can.

"Johnson, you're such a girl" nash laughed as I cried there on the cement.

"I wonder how the life of a gay virgin with absolute no friends feels" Cameron said kicking my stomach

JG -

"fag" taylor snickered as the guys abandoned jack and left the locker room.

I started to walk out when I stopped myself.

I can't just leave him there.

sure, he hates me and I hate him...but....

for some reason, what Cameron and nash and what all the other guys said made my blood boil.

they should never treat somebody like that.

especially jack.

I quietly walked over to the little blonde body crying and whimpering on the ground.

"need help?" I asked as I bent down to him.

he looked up with blue tear filled eyes and looked at me with surprise.

"n-no..im fine" he said lowering his voice and wiping his tears.

"I'm gonna help you anyway" I smiled as I pulled him up.

he winced and collapsed back down to the ground.

"oh my god jack I'm getting the nurse" I said as I picked him up bridal style.

"no it's okay, I just need a minute to breathe" he yelped.

"you need to lay down" I said rushing him to the office.

I gained weird looks from my friends and girls as I carried the little blonde boy through the hallway.

fuck, I'm gonna get so much shit for this.

but I care more about the bruised and bleeding body in my arms then a reputation.

don't assume I like Jack Johnson.

I'm just helping out a guy in pain okay.

I'm definitely NOT gay.

JJ -

I woke up to the face of Ms. Willow shaking me awake.

"mr. Johnson? you have to go to class" I heard her say as my eyes focused on everything around me.

"oh yeah, alright" I said as I rubbed my eyes and got up.

I noticed a wrap with ice taped onto the spot where Cameron kicked me.

great, my mom will be so happy to see this.

" I heard what happened" ms.willow sighed as she gave me a card with a number.

it was a depression consueling number card.

"there's always somebody to talk to" she said opening the door for me.

"thank you" I said awkwardly shoving the card into my jacket and walking out into the hallway.


damn Cameron.

and Sammy

and nash

and taylor

I'm sorry for making them total dicks.


omg I just added 96 photos to my "Jack Johnson 💘" album and UGHHGGJJRSDUPOHB

he is the loml and he's so fucking cute like wtf how did this happen

how can one human be so fucking cute I don't understand

It boggles my mind

he's got me bad ➝ a jolinsky storyWhere stories live. Discover now