You Makeup

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Sal - Knock Knock. You opened the door and came face to face with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
"Y/N..." You heard a familiar voice say.
"Sal?" You replied as he lowered the bouquet.
"What's this?" You asked as you motioned to the flowers.
"They're for you. I need to apologise to you! You are absolutely right I should focus my time on you just as much as I do on the show, you're my everything and I let you down. I'm so sorry babe... Please forgive me..." He said as he handed you the bouquet, you held it close to your chest and smiled.
"You didn't have to do this. I mean I'm not complaining, they're absolutely beautiful! But I wanted to speak to you anyway, I've missed you so much Sal! All I wanted was to hear you apologise, now you have and I know you mean it - I love you." You said as you jumped and he caught you, as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
"God I love you so much..." Sal replied before locking his lips with yours in a passionate kiss.

Q - You were out with your friends on a night out and you were having a blast. It really helped you to forget what happened between you and Q. You where on the dance floor with your best friend when she pulled you closer and said over the music: "Brian's here hon!", you turned your head slightly to where she was pointing and saw him stood at the bar with his firefighter buddies. You quickly turned back round, "I'm going to pretend he's not even here!" You said as you pulled your friend further onto the dance floor.
"Err, that might be a little difficult." She said suddenly.
"He's on his way over to us." She said and before you knew it Q was stood in front of you.
"Hey doll." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"I'm gonna go and get a drink!" Your friend said quickly, as she winked at you before walking away. You silently cursed her.
"Y/N, can we go someplace quieter?" Brian said over the music, you thought for a second before nodding your head.
When you were outside, you both sat down on a bench and Q turned to you.
"Y/N you don't know how sorry I am about what I said that night. I had the kindest, funniest, most beautiful woman on earth by my side and I fucked it all up. I can't handle life without you doll, I'm so sorry for hurting you like I did. I love you so much, please forgive me..."
You pulled him by the shirt towards you and kissed him passionately as he placed his hand behind your neck. "I forgive you Brian." You said after you'd pulled away.

Joe - You were sat at your friend's house watching TV, when you were flicking through the channels you noticed that 'Impractical Jokers' was on, you were just about to change the channel when Joe stepped up to the camera and began to speak.
"Before we begin any of our crazy challenges, I just want to say something. I'm never normally serious, you guys know this but right now I need to be. You see a couple of weeks ago I broke my loves heart. I was selfish and I put myself before her - I don't even know if she'll be watching this but even so, I want her to know that I'm so sorry. I miss her and I know my kids miss her just as much - I just hope she can find it in her beautiful heart to forgive me -" You saw him take a deep breath as the guys hugged and clapped him on the back.
You quickly picked up your phone and called his number...
"Hello? Y/N?" You heard him say.
"I've just watched you on TV Joe! - I forgive you and I love you and the kids so much!" You said as you could feel happy tears rolling down your cheeks.
"And we love you too sweetheart... Can I see you when I get back from Miami?" He asked cautiously.
"Of course, we can spend the day together." You said, excitedly.
"Perfect - I can't wait - Hun, I'm sorry I've got to go... I love you Y/N and I'll see you soon." He said.
"I love you too Joe." You replied before ending the call.

Murr - You had come to collect your things from Murr's place. You were surprised when you saw your best friend's and her husbands car in the drive.
You quietly made your way inside the house and to the living room were you saw all three of them sat talking.
"I don't know what to do..." James said as he rested his head in his hands.
"It's going to be alright. I know Y/N, I know that she misses you just as much as you miss her." Y/B/F/N said as she placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Y/B/F/N's right James, everything will work out for you both. But you have to be patient." Her husband continued.
You stood there frozen, he clearly regretted what happened between you both.
"I appreciate you both coming here, I know I've been a shitty boyfriend to Y/N, and you have every right to hate me, but you don't."
"James, you've made mistakes and you've owned up and apologised for them. You're a great boyfriend to her." Y/B/F/N replied, she suddenly looked up and winked at you.
"You mean I was - And even then I probably wasn't, she deserved so much better -"
"Oh you were a great boyfriend - You had your moments and was a dick at times but you apologised to me James, and - I still love you..." Murr looked up and met your eyes, he quickly ran to you and picked you up.
"We'll leave you two alone..." You didn't even notice when your friends shut the front door, as you and Murr kissed each other passionately.

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