How He Proposes To You

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Sal - It was Christmas time, yours and Sal's favourite time of year! You were both enjoying some quality time together with your pup 'Buddy', before the craziness of going to see each other's family's.
Sal pulled out a large box from under the Christmas tree before handing it to you.
You had absolutely no idea about what it could be. You unwrapped the present and each time you did, the box just kept getting smaller and smaller - until you finally pulled out a black velvet box.
Your heart skipped a beat as you opened it and gasped, when you saw a sparkling diamond ring. You looked at Sal, smiling in disbelief, as he got down on one knee in front of you.
"Y/N I love you more than you could ever understand. You've been my whole world since the moment I met you, and I want to continue experiencing life with you by my side - Will you marry me?"

Q - You and Q were enjoying a chilled date night. Watching movies and eating junk food, it was the perfect night for the both of you.
Q asked if you wanted a drink, to which you agreed before he went to get them.
A few minutes later he came back in and placed the drinks on the table, he accidentally spilt some on the table.
"Brian are you alright?" You asked as you placed your hand on his shoulder, he seemed nervous and rather fidgety.
"Yeah I'm fine doll. Don't worry - just a bit clumsy that's all -" He said as you helped him clean it up.
When you were done you both settled back down on the sofa, cuddled up together.
A few minutes later one of your kitties, 'Chessie' jumped up onto your lap, as she did you heard a cling on her name tag which was attached to her collar. You looked to see what it was and saw a beautiful diamond ring. You quickly unattached it and looked at Q as tears began to form. However, he wasn't sat on the sofa, you looked down and saw him knelt on one knee in front of you.
"I love you so much Y/N, I really am the luckiest guy to have you in my life. You've been the brightest light and you've lit up my world, which at some points in my life has been very dark - Will you do me the honour of marrying me?"
You never believed that Q would propose to you, you knew he loved you of course, but after everything that he's been through, you thought that it would have been the last thing on his mind.

Joe - It was during the Summer holidays. You and Joe both had a day off work, so you decided to take Milana and Remo to Disneyland, since it was their favourite place on earth.
You were all holding hands as you made your way around the attractions. You were all having the best time, you loved nothing more than your little family.
Joe suddenly stopped walking and looked around, you had found yourself in front of the castle.
"Yeah, this is it - perfect!" Joe said with a smile as you looked at him confused.
"Are you going to ask now Daddy?" Milana asked excitedly.
"You two know what to do -" He said with a big smile before turning to you and taking your left hand, as Milana and Remo unzipped their jackets.
"Sweetheart, you're my absolute world and I love you so much! Me and the kids wanted to officially, make you a part of our family -" he turned you around towards Milana and Remo. You looked at the tops that they were wearing and saw that between them they said: 'Will you marry our daddy?'. You looked towards Joe with teary eyes and saw him down on one knee with a gorgeous ring.

Murr - It was Valentine's Day. You and Murr had just had a romantic meal in your favourite restaurant before you decided to have a stroll along the beach. As you both stood in the shallow water, watching a beautiful sunset, Murr turned towards you and got down on one knee and took hold of your left hand.
"Y/N, I love you more than any words can possibly say and I want to spend the rest of my life with you - Will you marry me?" He asked, before he pulled out a beautiful engagement ring from his trouser pocket.

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