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Imma try to make this first person yall

"Another day another lollipop"I sighed my hands reaching out to open it.

To Minho hyung,

It's another shitty day.
First of all my math teacher, Miss Lee fucking gave me a shit ton of homework. And second of ALL my mother and father keep making homophobic jokes about this one couple online- wait actually no all those gay people and couples online I'm getting sick and tired of it. And it's really been affecting me I mean no sleep for a week is not that bad is it? Ugh I'm so tired and fed up of them if only they knew I was gay.

Well enough of my ranting it's probably bringing down your mood too. Anyway I saw you smiling yesterday I'm glad you were.it must've been a nice day for you yesterday. Hopefully I'll be the one to make you smile that some day.

Anyway that was all from me have a great day!


This made me frown I didn't know who this H.J person was but I felt bad for him. Wait a minute did it just say they were gay? Oh. My. God. It's a fucking boy. Okay so now I know it's a boy all this time. Gosh they should've written that earlier I've always been gay. It was my only excuse to get away from annoying girls.

An uncontrollable smile creeped its way onto my face whilst I skipped to math class. Wait-math class?
Ugh I hate math class if I could kill miss Lee I would. Wait a minute didn't Miss Lee annoy this H.J guy?

Why don't I annoy her back?

"Mister Lee what is the answer to this question?"

"I don't know 2?"

"Mister Lee you will not talk to me that way it's extremely disrespectful!"She raised her voice

"Your face is being disrespectful to my eyes gosh.." I mumbled under my breath but still loud enough to make everyone hear.


"Yea you heard me your flat ass chest and that botched bbl of yours are cursing my eyes and let's not talk about that cakey ass makeup.." I repeated

"MISTER LEE DETENTION RIGHT THIS MINUTE!" I walk out with a grin plastered on my face as I head towards the detention room.

(Time skip to lunch)
"Bro why are you so happy?" Seungmin asked

"Because I found out that my secret admirer was a male?"I replied but it came out muffled due to the strawberry and vanilla lollipop that was inserted in my mouth.

"Wow you? Of all people gay? Oop never suspected that," hyunjin said.

"We'll I am, so let's eat" I continued "wait I can't eat with a lollipop in my mouth- guess I'm skipping" I shrugged.

"Bye bye!" Seungmin and Hyunjin Said in unison. I walk out of the lunch hall other pathetic girls drooling behind me. I always head to this spot whenever I'm feeling lonely. Though obviously I had friends,sometimes I wanted something more but how would I know what fills my deep and empty void? If I can't even solve a puzzle how could I find MY own missing puzzle piece?

Im nearing the place I go to a lot nobody actually knows where this place is not even my friends.
"Go away" I say coldly to the pile of girls behind me

"But Minho oppaaa~"

"I said go." I repeated myself. I really hated these girls they don't know what the meaning of no is.

"B-but I wanna b-be with y-you" one of them said with a pout.

"Did you not hear me I said NO" I said slightly raising my voice. Luckily this worked as all of them scrambled away. My friends say I'm too cruel. But i have no choice otherwise they don't get the idea that I do NOT want anyone to bother me. Sighing I make my way towards 'my' spot.

As I walk in I spot someone in the corner of the place. He's perched down on the floor and I recognised him immediately. It was Han Jisung...

"Oi what are you doing here?" I asked frustrated

"oh I'm just on my phone.." he replied quietly and shyly It's funny. How could he be so confident and throw literal food on the most popular girls in school and be so small and shy around me.

I observe his face. He has puffy cheeks and a squirrel like manner.


Wait what am I thinking?
"Well go away.." I say not wanting the company of anyone right now.

"But I don't want to and I came here first" he retaliated. I scoffed in response silently accepting my fate. I sit down next to him and fish my phone out of my pocket.

"Why are you sitting here there's a load of space over there you know" he asked me.

"We'll what if I wanna sit here huh?" He just accepted it and let me sit next to him. Like half an hour later it was darker and I could notice the Han boy getting tired and his eyelids drooping.

Before I knew it I felt a sudden weight on my shoulder I slightly turned my head to see the squirrel guy sleeping on my shoulder. An unconscious smile made its way onto my face. Since it was getting colder he snuggled into me so I let my knees fall in order to make it comfortable for him to sleep on me.

My eyes were getting tired and to make it worse the three days of not sleeping had finally caught up with me. Before I knew it I was snuggled up against him ,let the magic do its work and boom pow I was asleep. On top of him. It was getting late and the school was probably closed now but neither of us cared. We were to cold and we were already cuddling so no harm there right? He is cute anyway.

(Jisungs pov when they were both in the room)

I was just on my phone scrolling in my calm place where I go most of the time when somebody came in. It was my crush. Lee Minho.
"Oi what are you doing here?" He asked coldly god that was really hot.

Trying not to squeal over the excitement I had rushing through my body,I reply with a "oh I'm just on my phone.." he stared at me for a minute did I have something on my face?

After that staring session he told me to 'go away' but obviously I'm no scared little bitch and wanted to spend time with my crush. So I said "but I don't want to and I came here first" he scoffed at me.

I saw him look around for a moment in the quiet room and made the ultimate decision to plop down next to me. Me? Of all spaces next to me? Of all people he found me? I felt like I could fly but my curious little ass HAD to ask why he sat down next to me so I did. He answered with "what if I wanna sit here huh?" I just accepted my luck and thanked the fuck out of Cupid.

We were just scrolling on my phone when I felt drowsy and before I could even blink boom pow I was asleep. I felt some sort of warmth and it was getting colder so I snuggled into it. I'm glad it let me in fact I felt arms or something wrap around me embracing me in the cold.

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