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The presentation was in an hour and I was feeling really nervous, this was a presentation for something really important and it could help our school a lot and blah blah, I began to make a checklist;

''Slideshow, check, projector, check, remote, check, headphones, check...'' I was cut off by someone else;

''Anxiety, check'' I turned around to see it was Marcus;

''What are you doing here?'' I asked;

''Oh, I thought we were checking a list of things present'' he replied with a smirk, he is good looking that is until he starts bullying you that is;

''I really don't have your time right now Marcus'' I said then rolled my eyes;

''I know but... I'll be at the front row seat to cheer you on'' he said then smirked;

Oh he doesn't know what the topic's about does he?

''Good for you, now get out'' he shrugged then walked off, oh I was looking forward to seeing his face after this presentation...


Everyone was settled soon and after the MC's speech, I was ushered to the stage, I looked around until my eyes finally landed on him, oh this was good alright.

''Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning! Today, I stand before you to address a problem that has long plagued our educational institutions - bullying.

''Bullying, as we all know, is a pervasive issue that affects students of all ages, races, and backgrounds. It can lead to severe emotional distress, academic problems, and in extreme cases, even suicide.'' The truth and y'all out there;

''The problem is clear, but what is the solution? How can we, as a community, tackle this issue head-on and create a safe, nurturing environment for our students?'' For those wondering;

''The answer lies in implementing a comprehensive anti-bullying program in our schools. This program would consist of several key components: Firstly, education. We need to educate our students about the harmful effects of bullying, and teach them empathy and respect for their peers.'' I looked at Marcus, his face was white, I smiled;

''Secondly, we need to establish clear policies against bullying, with strict consequences for those who violate these policies.'' For Marcus;

''Thirdly, we need to provide support for victims of bullying, including counseling services and a safe space to talk about their experiences.'' For myself and people like me;

''Lastly, we need to encourage bystanders to stand up against bullying and report any incidents they witness.'' For all those who never supported me;

''By implementing this program, we can create a school environment where every student feels safe, respected, and valued.'' For the school;

''In conclusion, bullying is a serious problem, but it's not insurmountable. With a comprehensive anti-bullying program, we can make a significant difference in the lives of our students. Let's stand together against bullying and work towards a brighter, safer future for our children. Thank you.'' there was an applause and I proudly walked off the stage, I felt accomplished after that and fortunately, Marcus left the stage immediately after I said the point for him;

''Omg, you did so well bestie'' Aura hugged me; ''I'm proud of you''

''Thanks, I'm happy that at least I was able to make a change and speak up for the voiceless'' I replied;

''Well you did well, you'll definitely get the recognition you deserve'' she said and it made me hope she was right;

''I need to use the rest room, I'll be right back'' I said and walked off while she went to talk to Yale, I walked down the hallway then into the corridor and soon was in a deserted classroom, this has always been my escape, I rest my back on the wall and slid down till I was squatting in a way;

''You did well, I'm impressed'' I jumped at the sound of the voice, Marcus...

''What are you doing here?'' I asked;

''Well I could ask you the same thing... Carrie'' he barely ever said my name and when he did, it sent shivers down my spine, I shuddered;

''Well do you mind?'' I asked;

''I came here first Carrie, you should be the one to leave'' he replied with a sort of face that showed emotion... hurt.

''Let me guess, you ran away from my presentation cuz I was able to tackle your bad sides'' I scoffed;

''No'' he lied;

''Then why did you leave?'' I asked him with a curious eyebrow raised;

''I hate presentations, they're boring and waste time, I left cuz I was tired f watching your face up there'' he replied;

''Jeez'' I rolled my eyes;

''Not to mention, it's not like you're pretty or anything''

''And you think you're attractive?'' I raised another brow;


''You're ugly Marcus, on the inside, you might be good looking but your character says it all, I can read you, like a book, you're easy to read, something about you I noticed is the fact that... you're vulnerable but you pretend to be tough, strong meanwhile you seek love and affection that'll never be shown to you if you continue like this''

''Well you're saying all this about me, why do you think your parents are barely around, they can't stand you Carrie, they're only here this month cuz they wanna make sure you don't disappoint them like always, why do you think they're here, cuz they love you?'' he replied and then, I just couldn't hold it in, I wanted to cry, yeah my parents are around but only on important occasions like school presentations, awards but they've never even been there for my birthday;

I couldn't help it, the tears began to well up, I quickly got up and ran out, it was better to cry alone than to let anyone see my tears, especially the ones who cause them...

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