Chapter 8: Halloween

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Neville stirred from his sleep, the weight of last night's events still heavy on his mind. Anxious thoughts swirled within him as he dragged himself out of bed. The Great Hall beckoned, promising a comforting breakfast and the company of friends.
Entering the bustling hall, Neville spotted Dean and Seamus at a nearby table and joined them. As they exchanged small talk and shared a few chuckles, Neville felt a momentary respite from the worries that plagued him.
The usual morning chaos of owls swooping in to deliver mail filled the air, drawing everyone's attention. However, this day held a twist. Six large screech owls descended, carrying a long, thin package that commanded the room's focus. Neville's curiosity was piqued as he watched the scene unfold before him.
Before the owls could flutter away, another one swooped in, dropping a letter atop the mysterious parcel. Neville's gaze shifted to Harry Potter, seated nearby. He observed as Harry and Ron sprang to their feet, a sense of urgency in their movements, as they seized the package and letter before swiftly exiting the Great Hall.
Neville watched as his friends hurried away, leaving behind a buzz of curiosity and speculation in their wake.

As the whispers faded and the hall returned to its usual buzz it was broken a few minutes later by the sudden entrance of Draco Malfoy, flanked by his cronies Crabbe and Goyle. Neville watched with a mixture of curiosity and unease as Malfoy's voice carried across the hall, filled with anger and resentment. "I can't believe stupid Potter has a Nimbus 2000! Just because he's famous, he's allowed everything he wants! And he said he can have it all thanks to me! What does that even mean!" Malfoy's outburst echoed through the Great Hall, drawing the attention of students from all houses.
Neville watched, as Malfoy demanded a quill from Goyle to write to his father about what he perceived as favouritism.
As Neville furrowed his brow in confusion, Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan realized they had forgotten to inform him about a recent incident that took place after he went off to the hospital wing. They quickly shared the details of how Malfoy had stolen Neville's Remembrall, prompting Harry Potter to intervene, leading to a dramatic confrontation that ended with both boys soaring through the air on broomsticks.
"Harry was amazing up there on his broomstick," Seamus remarked, admiration evident in his voice. "He didn't back down from Malfoy's taunts and showed everyone what he's made of."
Dean nodded in agreement, adding, "And when Harry caught the Remembrall, it was like something out of a Quidditch match!"
As they discussed the aftermath of the incident, the uncertainty surrounding Professor McGonagall's intervention added a layer of mystery to the events that had unfolded.
"No one knows what happened after McGonagall took Harry away," said Seamus "But at least we know Harry wasn't in trouble. That's something, right?"
"But...Why do you reckon Malfoy had a hand in Harry getting a Nimbus 2000? It doesn't make sense, considering he can't stand Harry," Dean mused, his brow furrowed in confusion.
Seamus nodded in agreement, "Exactly! Malfoy's always sneering at Harry. Why would he suddenly do him a favour like that?"
Neville pondered their questions, his mind whirling with possible explanations. "Maybe Malfoy has some ulterior motive, or perhaps he's trying to get on Harry's good side for some reason. It's definitely strange."
After a brief exchange of theories, the trio resolved to approach Harry later that evening in the dorm room.

Despite his struggles with certain lessons, Neville cherished his time at the magical school. Two months had passed in a blur, Hogwarts had become a place of growth and transformation for him, a sanctuary where he could embrace his true potential and immerse himself in the wonders of the wizarding world.

On Halloween morning, Neville awoke to the tantalizing scent of baked pumpkin drifting through the corridors of the castle. The festive aroma filled him with excitement for the day ahead. In Charms class, Professor Flitwick made a thrilling announcement that sparked a wave of anticipation among the students.
"I believe it's time for us to explore the art of making objects fly," Professor Flitwick declared with a twinkle in his eye.
The prospect of learning a new spell sent a ripple of excitement through the class. However, Trevor, Neville's loyal toad, seemed less enthused, promptly seeking refuge in Neville's robe pocket. Neville couldn't help but chuckle as he remembered the previous lesson when Professor Flitwick had demonstrated the spell on Trevor, causing the tiny toad to zip around the classroom in a whirlwind of chaos.

Neville sat nervously, waiting for Professor Flitwick to assign pairs for their next practice session. Neville hoped he would be paired up with harry as he wanted thank him for standing up for him when Malfoy had stolen his Remembrall. If it hadn't been for Harry he may have lost his Remembrall forever.
As Professor Flitwick announced the pairs, Neville's heart skipped a beat, hoping against hope that he would be partnered with Harry. However, as luck would have it, Harry was paired with Seamus Finnegan, leaving Neville to work with his good friend Dean Thomas.
"Now, don't forget that nice wrist movement we've been practising!" squeaked Professor Flitwick, perched on top of his pile of books as usual. "Swish and flick, remember, swish and flick. And saying the magic words properly is very important, too – never forget Wizard Baruffio, who said 's' instead of 'f' and found himself on the floor with a buffalo on his chest."
Neville listened intently, trying to absorb the instructions as he glanced over at Harry and Seamus, who were already deep in concentration. Turning back to Dean, he squared his shoulders and raised his wand, determined to do his best.

It was very difficult. Dean and Neville swished and flicked, but the feather they were supposed to be sending skywards just lay on the desktop, unmoved by their efforts. Frustration bubbled inside Neville as he struggled to get the spell right. In a moment of desperation, he flicked his wand too hard, causing it to fly out of his hand and hit Professor Flitwick on the head.
Gasps echoed around the classroom as Neville's cheeks flushed bright red with embarrassment. He scrambled to retrieve his wand, stammering out an apology to the tiny professor, who chuckled good-naturedly despite the bump on his head. Dean tried to stifle a laugh, but Neville could see the amusement dancing in his eyes.

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