Chapter 10: Christmas

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Christmas was fast approaching, and Hogwarts was blanketed in a thick layer of snow, transforming the magical school into a winter wonderland. Neville, wrapped in his scarf and gloves, marvelled at the sight as he made his way through the snowy grounds one frosty morning in mid-December.
The frozen lake glistened under the wintry sun, its surface solid and inviting for a spot of ice skating. Laughter and cheers echoed across the grounds as students took advantage of the unexpected snow day.
The mischievous Weasley twins, Fred and George, had gotten themselves into trouble once again. Neville couldn't help but chuckle as he heard about their latest prank involving snowballs bewitched to follow Professor Quirrell around, bouncing off the back of his turban. The twins never failed to bring a smile to his face, even when they were up to no good.
As Neville trudged through the snow-covered courtyard, he spotted Hagrid tending to a few weary owls that had braved the stormy skies to deliver post. The gentle half-giant nursed the tired creatures back to health with his usual care and tenderness before sending them off on their way. Neville admired Hagrid's kindness towards all creatures, big and small.

Inside the castle, Hogwarts buzzed with excitement as the holiday season drew near. The Gryffindor common room and the Great Hall were cozy and warm, crackling with roaring fires that chased away the winter chill. However, the drafty corridors and cold classrooms were a stark contrast, with icy drafts creeping through the cracks and rattling the windows.
Neville shivered as he made his way to Professor Snape's cold and dreary dungeons for Potions class. The air was thick with the scent of brewing potions, and his breath formed misty clouds in front of him. Students huddled around their cauldrons, seeking warmth from the bubbling concoctions as they tried to focus on Snape's icy gaze and sharp instructions.

As Christmas approached, Neville Longbottom's heart swelled with anticipation not just for the festive celebrations at Hogwarts but for the upcoming holiday break spent with his beloved grandmother. The thought of being surrounded by her love and the familiar traditions of their Christmas together filled Neville with warmth and joy.
Despite the grandeur of the Christmas feast in the Great Hall, nothing could compare to the simple pleasures of watching his Gran sing Christmas songs as she cooked their holiday meal.

The day of departure arrived, and Neville eagerly packed his belongings, looking forward to the journey home on the Hogwarts Express. The train ride was filled with chatter and laughter as students shared their excitement for the holiday season and the prospect of reuniting with their families.
As the train pulled into the station, Neville's heart leaped with joy at the sight of his grandmother waiting for him on the platform. She enveloped him in a warm hug, her familiar scent of herbs and magic comforting him like a warm embrace. Neville smiled, feeling a sense of homecoming wash over him as they apparated back to his grandmother's cozy home.
Stepping into the welcoming warmth of the living room, Neville was greeted by the tantalizing aroma of roasted turkey wafting from the oven. The room was adorned with festive decorations, twinkling lights, and the crackling of a fireplace filled the air with a sense of coziness and contentment.
His Gran bustled around the kitchen, humming a familiar tune as she prepared their Christmas feast.

Neville sat at the kitchen table, his eyes fixed on the bubbling cauldron of stew that his grandmother, Augusta Longbottom, was stirring. The comforting aroma of home-cooked food filled the air, wrapping him in a warm embrace.
Gran glanced at Neville and asked, "How's Hogwarts treating you, Neville?"
Neville looked up, a mixture of excitement and apprehension in his eyes. "Hogwarts is amazing, Gran," he began. "I'm sharing a dorm with Harry Potter, and he's incredible. Seamus, Dean, and Ron are great mates, too. We have a lot of fun together."
As Neville spoke, Gran nodded, her face a picture of interest and concern. "What else has been happening at Hogwarts, Neville?" she inquired, her voice soft and comforting.
Neville's expression turned slightly solemn as he recounted his encounters with Professor Snape. "Snape is really nasty to me, Gran," he confessed. "Once, during Potions class, a mishap caused me to be covered in boils. I had to go to the hospital wing to see Madame Pomfrey. She reminded me a lot of you, Gran, always caring and kind."
Gran's eyes softened at Neville's words, a flicker of pride shining through. "You're a resilient one, Neville," she murmured, her voice filled with affection.
Neville then shared the tale of his disastrous flying lesson, his voice tinged with a mix of embarrassment and humour. "I lost control of the broom and fell 50 feet," he admitted sheepishly.
Gran chuckled, a twinkle in her eye. "That's why we never let you on a broom when you were little, son," she teased, her voice laced with fondness.

"Then that night I got locked out of the Gryffindor common room, and suddenly we were on this strange quest with Filch hot on our heels. And then Peeves, that mischievous poltergeist, tried to give us away to Filch!"
Neville's voice quickened as he recounted the heart-pounding moment when Hermione unlocked a mysterious door they had to hide behind. "Behind that door was a three-headed dog, Gran! We had to run for our lives before it could make a meal of us," Neville continued, his gestures emphasizing the danger they had faced.
Augusta gasped in astonishment, her hand fluttering to her chest. "Merlin's beard, Neville! You truly have a knack for finding trouble, don't you?" she exclaimed, a mix of concern and admiration in her voice.

As Neville continued to speak, he recounted the frightening Halloween Troll incident. "A Troll somehow got into the castle on Halloween," he explained. "Ron and Harry bravely went to save Hermione. Harry got on the trolls shoulders and put his wand up the Troll's nose, while Ron used a levitating spell to knock the Troll out. It was quite the adventure, Gran!"
With a deep breath, Neville moved on to the tale of Harry's daring deed as the new Gryffindor Seeker. "During the match, Snape jinxed Harry's broom, and he was left dangling perilously in the air. But then, in a stroke of sheer brilliance, Harry caught the Snitch in his mouth and won the match!" Neville recounted, awe evident in his voice.
Gran's laughter filled the room at Neville's animated storytelling. "You have quite the imagination, Neville! You should be writing books with all these fantastical tales of yours," she remarked with a twinkle in her eye.

Neville's excitement wavered slightly at his grandmother's words. "But, Gran, these things really happened! I'm not making them up," he insisted, a hint of disappointment creeping into his voice.
Augusta's laughter softened into a warm smile as she reached out to pat Neville's hand. "Of course, dear. Your adventures are quite extraordinary, just like you," Augusta kissed Neville on the forehead then elegantly waved her wand, causing the turkey in the oven to levitate magically and glide over to the table where they were seated. The delicious scent of roast filled the air, making Neville's mouth water in anticipation.
"Gran, that's amazing!" Neville exclaimed, watching in awe as the turkey settled before them. "I can't wait to dig in. Everything looks so delicious."
Augusta chuckled warmly, her eyes twinkling with merriment. "It's all part of the magic of Christmas, dear. Let's enjoy our feast," she said, carving the turkey skilfully as they both began to savour the scrumptious meal.

As they finished their dinner, Gran reached for a pair of wizard crackers, handing one to Neville with a mischievous smile. With a flick of their wands, they pulled the crackers apart, and out popped a silly projection of a Wizard with a long beard.
The wizard projection boomed, "Why did the wizard bring a ladder to the magical Christmas party? Because he heard the drinks were on the house!" Neville and Gran burst into laughter at the whimsical joke, their mirth filling the room with joy.
Neville wiped away a tear of laughter, gasping for breath. "Oh, Gran, that's hilarious! I love these magical Christmas jokes," he said, his laughter echoing around the room.
Gran joined in Neville's amusement, her laughter blending with his. "Magic and laughter go hand in hand, don't they, dear? It's what makes this season so special," she remarked, sharing a fond smile with her grandson.
As the day came to an end, Neville retired to his room, feeling content and grateful for the love and warmth of the Christmas celebrations. Snuggled under his blankets, he reflected on the day's events, his heart filled with happiness at being home for the holidays.

Neville woke up on a crisp winter morning, the weight of a bittersweet task heavy on his heart. Today, before he headed back to Hogwarts, he had to visit his parents at St Mungo's Hospital. It was a task he both loved and hated, a conflicting mix of emotions that tugged at his soul.
As Neville prepared for the day, he couldn't shake the familiar twinge of sadness that accompanied this visit. It wasn't that he didn't love his parents; he adored them with all his heart. But seeing them in their current state, unable to speak or recognize him, was a pain that cut deep, a constant reminder of what could have been.
Accompanied by his Gran, Neville made his way to Diagon Alley to pick out a gift for his parents. They strolled through the bustling street, the magical energy of the place soothing Neville's troubled thoughts. After selecting a beautiful potted plant for his mother and a new photo frame with a picture of Neville in his Hogwarts robes inside. Neville felt a sense of purpose as he prepared to face the inevitable.

Arriving at St Mungo's, Neville took a deep breath before entering his parents' room. They lay still in their beds, their eyes vacant and unseeing, lost in a world Neville could never reach. Sitting by their side, Neville held their hands gently.
"Hey, Mum, Dad," Neville began softly, his voice tinged with both sorrow and love. "It's me, Neville. I'm back for a visit before I head off to Hogwarts again."
He talked to them about his time at Hogwarts, about being a Gryffindor and the challenges and triumphs he faced. He spoke of his passion for Herbology, the joy he found in nurturing plants and watching them bloom. And he shared his disdain for Potions class, the subject that always seemed to test his patience and skill.
"I wish you could see me, see how much I've grown and learned," Neville whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. "I'll keep making you proud, I promise."

As Neville turned to leave, his Gran's arm wrapped around his waist in a comforting embrace. She walked beside him, her presence a steady anchor in the storm of emotions brewing within Neville's heart.
"They would be so proud of you, Neville," she said softly, her voice filled with warmth and pride. "Just as I am. You're growing into such a strong and brave young wizard."
Neville's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he absorbed his Gran's words, her unwavering support a lifeline in the tumult of emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. Together, they made their way to Platform 9¾, the familiar sights and sounds of the wizarding world stirring a sense of anticipation and nostalgia within Neville's soul.

As they reached the platform, Neville and his Gran shared a final hug. Neville clung to her for a moment, drawing strength from her presence before he had to board the Hogwarts Express once more.
"Take care of yourself, Neville," Gran whispered.
With a heavy heart, Neville released his Gran from their embrace and boarded the train.
As the steam billowed and the whistle blew, he looked back to see his Gran standing on the platform, her hand raised in a final wave.
As the train pulled away, carrying him back to the enchanted halls of Hogwarts, Neville watched his Gran fade into the distance.

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