Chapter 1 - a familiar face

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Gelatin's POV:

i heard a random thud while taking a walk not too far from the other sleeping contestants, i wonder what it is?

i slowly creep up to it while making sure not to wake it, it looks like.. another object? i may be new but im sure not even firey knows who this is. im oretty sure golf ball introduced us newbies to everyone, and noone comes here to the fields?
actually, talkin about firey, isnt he still awake?
i turn around to see firey with his eyes closed, but his breathing isnt slowed.., ill risk it.
as i walk over to firey i remember on how the person looked like, i dont know if they were male or female.. or none?.. but they were gray, had  scratches and a knife?
i hope they arent dangerous..
i finally arrived to firey


Firey's POV:

i heard someones voice, sounded like gelatin. ugh..
"gelatin, i don't want to talk right now."
"you never do." i sighed, i opened my mouth but as i was about to talk i got cut off by gelatin.
"i found someone in the grass, either passed out or sleeping, but they seem pretty hurt"
"it might just be one of the other contestants, its late and you know its dark."
"wait-! just trust me!!! i really don't think its someone any of us know!"
i was about to refuse. but i know if i said no he would just keep on pushing
"ugh, fine. but if this is someone like that bozo brain im going to melt you."
gelatin clearly seems startled by this and forces a smile
"r-right!!- okay uh.. just follow me-"
i get up and start to follow gelatin, he seems to be talking but i don't even bother to listen

things have been slow without you..

"uhm.. earth to firey? were here!!"

i snap back to reality (oop- there goes gravity /ref to a diff book) once i hear Gelatin's voice
"o-oh, alright."
did i just stutter?!- whatever.
i look down to see an object, it looked a lot like her..  i know that it ISN'T though..


i notice that im staring and i snap out of my trance once i did,
i bend down and pick up the person.

my eyes widen and almost start to fill with tears once i see who it is.

sorry for a short chapter- this is only the intro,
also im not a writer

yayzerz :3

-word count: 403-

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