Chapter 2 - Why is SHE here.

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heheh.. soo.. i might've been gone for.. a week or soo
i dont have much excitement or motivation as i expected myself to have.
im rlly sorry about that but.. ehhhh- i have my own things too...

anyways im stalling for long enough LETSA GO!


Leafy's POV:

i remember walking towards the goiky fields when i suddenly collapsed.. i just stayed there, fully out of energy to even open my eyes. i layed for what felt like hours until i finally felt someone pick me up, the touch felt warm and i was cold, so i just let.. whoever it was pick me up. i heard a gasp and quiet sobbing peacefully along with swift footsteps walking away..

after just a few seconds i felt myself being carried on someones back.. who is this?.
..i dont think i can check.. im too tired to even talk..
i feel myself slowly drifting into a deep sleep


I quickly jolt upwards as i hear my name basically being shouted at me,
i rub my eyes and lay my arms on the grass as i slowly mumble something out

"wh.. who.. you.. who.. a-are you?.."

i look upwards to see a tan-skinned boy with freckles and fiery red and orange-ish hair.. i slightly squinted my eyes as the sun shined down onto me



I felt him tackle-hug me i heard heavy breathing came from his mouth
"wh..what happened?.."

"I.. I dont know either!! Gelatin just found-"

"wait..wait.. whos Gelatin??.."

"oh.. right.. you weren't here.., well.. Gelatin is one of the newer contestants."
"that means.."

"yeah.. theres a new season."


"but.. i bet the others would love to see you!! lets go and tell them about your retu-"

"firey, no."

"wh..what do you mean 'no'?"

"no. they tried to kill me last time i saw them. i dont think those ideas would've changed now."

"okay.. but then we need to-"
(a/n poor firey, cant even talk)




in all seriousness though im losing the motivation for this type of story, i could probably do some sort of fanfiction of a more like fluffy ship, idunno

could y'all just vote in the comments? fluff or this story??

-348 words-

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