Chapter 12:

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Keefe's POV:

How do I transmit back to Foster without worrying her too much?

I don't want to lie to her. Not after everything I kept from her during our time hunting and running from (and regretably joining) Mommy Dearest and her jolly band of puppets.

Without me noticing while I was in deep thought (Because I do that sometimes), Foster slipped out of the room.

"Uh, hey, where'd Foster go?" I ask Tam and Biana, who are just as confused as I am. 

"She went downstairs," Dex answers, "While Tam and Biana were flirting and you spaced out, she wanted to go get Mallowmelt." Tam and Biana go red and open their mouths to object, only to be interrupted.

Dex's lovely statement is followed by an extremely loud "THUMP!" and a crash, tagged along by a very kid-friendly version of "OW!"

And joined by a long sigh from all four of us.

"I'll go check on the Lovely Lady F," I send a mocking salute towards the three of them.

I rush downstairs to find the Fos-Boss on the ground, surrounded by glass, broken Bottles of Youth, and feathers (Where did Foster encounter feathers?).

"Are you okay?" I ask her, concerned as I hold out my hand for her. She takes it and helps herself up, brushing glass and feathers off of her, her nice tunic now soaked with Youth. "Yeah, I'm fine," she mumbles, her face red with embarrassment. I smile, relieved, before noticing she's got cuts all over her left arm.

"Foster, I don't know if you noticed this, but your arm is a bit messy." I put the words in light terms and she looks at her arm as if just noticing.

"Wait what?!" She gapes at her arm in shock.

I guess she really did just notice.

"Let's hail your physician on stand-by, Foster," I suggest and she shakes her head. I can't help but frown.

"You need Elwin-" I insist, only to be cut off.

"Elwin is probably busy," Foster says, seemingly sure of herself. 

I shake my head, suddenly feeling serious. "Sophie, you need to go see Elwin. Just because it's not a life-or-death situation this time doesn't mean you shouldn't go to him!"

She focuses on my use of her name and sighs in defeat, handing her imparter to me after fishing it out.

I hail Elwin.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is really short, I'm just juggling 3 different stories and this seamed like a really good place to end, like Fitz's chapter. Why, you may ask, am I currently writing 3 stories? I have a lot of ideas and if I don't start to write them, I forget them. Since I would rather not have that, I just keep up with them right away. 

Lots o' nervous energy up in this brain of mine.

Hope y'all are enjoying this and I'll try to update more frequently!

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