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Chapter 149

Harry still felt a little disconnected as he took the first bites of his meal. Sitting on Tom's thighs. A strange silence reigned in the dining room, broken only by his forking his plate. However, they weren't alone in the room and Harry was rather embarrassed to be watched by so many pairs of eyes while he was just eating. Tom held her waist tightly and he had already given up on the idea of being released. After what had happened, he must consider it a small miracle that he wasn't locked in their room. One of their doggies moved, kneeling next to them.

Prince... When are you going to punish the naughty dog that I am?
Bellatrix really seemed ready for him to torture her and by the look Barty was making, it was the same for him. Rather than responding to her husband's faithfulness, he asked:

Who put me in this state?
He felt a slow caress along his back. Harry couldn't remember the exact injury he had suffered, his mind quickly shutting down to the pain. But Tom must have seen. Did he have another scar?

-Minerva McGonagall. The old fool manipulated her.

-…She wanted to save me from you, right? Even if it means killing me. The idea was not to make me suffer but to free me.

Tom didn't acquiesce verbally but his aura held barely contained rage. Not to mention the pheromones that he was starting to release in spite of himself. When Harry had opened his eyes earlier, meeting the demon's purple gaze hadn't surprised him. At that moment, the incubus was a time bomb, capable of triggering an orgy.

Except there wouldn't be enough actors. And Harry refused to think that Sirius would sleep with anyone. Too weird. Even more so with her cousin present in the room. Then Sirius and Barty... The mental image made him shiver and he quickly pushed it away.

Are you okay, puppy?
Yes, Sirius. Thank you for defending me, especially against her. It couldn't have been easy when you were in your dog form and you loved him very much.
You come first. You didn't want all this. You had nothing to do in this war.
So why was it put there? Or rather, why had we let Dumbledore do it? A question that would remain unanswered. Harry just supposed it was easier to let the old man do as he pleased. It only hurt an orphan who wouldn't know who to turn to for defense. The caresses on his back stopped, Harry guessed from the low growl that Tom had followed his thoughts. So intimately involved with him.

I will punish you in two days, Bella, since you want it.
The disciple looked up with hopeful eyes, delighted. Harry refrained from rolling his eyes. Tom had raised his followers too well. Her husband smiles


So you think I'm worth saving?
Harry still felt very tired as he stood in front of his Transfigurations teacher. The cell next door was completely dark, a way for Tom to torture like an old fool by leaving him without knowing anything about what was happening around him. Minerva McGonagall looked even older and tired as she saw him like that in front of her, his demon's hand on his shoulder. He had requested this detour before going to bed, he needed to speak with this woman.

Of course you deserve it. And I failed. I'm sorry, Harry.
I'm not. I don't mind being Tom's companion.
Harry… I know him. He can't love you.
She had that Gryffindor impulsiveness. The danger was there and yet she dared to say what she thought by looking them in the eyes. Harry found her incredible. If only she had known how to be more attentive, to listen. He approached the cell until he touched the bars, his step following that of his incubus whose tension he felt. Although the creature knew that he was no longer in danger, the hatred it felt towards the one who had hurt them was there. And with hatred, the desire to destroy. Harry, however, made the bars disappear.

Sirius will return your body. Tom would like to hurt you so much more, but I believe you. I know you believe what you say. Except you missed the real moment when you should have saved me.
Harry… No…
If you see my parents, don't insult them, okay? They failed as much as you did.

Harry might have hesitated, but it was clear in his soul. If he let Tom do it... No, he wouldn't forgive himself. Avada Kedavra burst from her wand, its green light flooded the entire cell and when it faded, Minerva MacGonagall no longer moved. His demon was exulting inside as his face remained stoic. The desire increased in the bond, Harry felt his knees weaken a little at this avalanche of powerful needs. No time to cry and no desire. Harry waved to his godfather who left with their two other faithful pups with the woman's corpse.

I'm so proud of you.
I know, Tom. Now take me to our room. I miss you.
Or missing Tom was getting to his head, perhaps? It didn't change anything, Harry dreamed of welcoming his husband between his thighs and feeling him caress his body, his mind, his soul with everything he was in return. He was lifted from the ground, they didn't walk, no, the incubus was now in too much of a hurry for that. Harry tugged at his mate's shirt as their tongues and breaths mingled, their bodies crashing against each other. For one purpose...


Tom slowly stroked his companion's sweat-damp back, his eyes on his rump since he could not look at his sleeping face. He felt Harry's breath against his overheated skin and his whole body pressing against him, completely relaxed after the pleasure they had both had. The sun was already quite high and the incubus had no desire to get up. There was no question of abandoning their prey, even in a place as secure as their bedroom. The demon would be damned if he could leave so soon after such an incident. Almost a disaster.

What really kept Tom so calm was the poignant serenity Harry felt in his sleep. His anger was still present. He hadn't been able to punish anyone but he was itching. As for Dumbledore, oh god… He was going to bleed the man out slowly, very slowly. Or do worse even if he didn't yet know what. The need for revenge was ingrained in him and Minerva had certainly had a narrow escape, although dead she would not guess how much of a truth it was.

Luckily seeing Harry kill her had given her just as much pleasure.

Tom had feared they would argue about it and he would have done whatever he wanted. His food understood this and reacted accordingly. It was a sort of happy medium what happened to this woman. It pleased him enough that he could forget. Then Harry was so handsome when he was murdering.

His cock twitched as he replayed the scene in his head.

Harry mumbled in his sleep and moved a little before becoming calm again.

Tom noticed that his hand had slid generously over his prey's buttocks. The desire began to rise to his head again. Even though he knew he was tired, missing Harry almost made him spin. His thumb pushed against the plug stuck in the ring of muscles he had already worked so well. Harry panted in his sleep. Tom wanted to hold on. He wanted to be good. Except that wisdom and demon didn't go well together, did they?

Tom knocked Harry back into their stained sheets, the slight shock causing his food to open his eyes. Her sleepy look was lovely, he slowly opened her thighs to position himself between them. Harry was so soft that he had no trouble manipulating him as he pleased. He leaned down to plant his nose against her pubes. Their mixed smells made him squeeze Harry's buttocks who moaned.

Tom… Need to sleep…
One last time, I promise...
You said that too earlier.
Harry's voice was slightly cracked and despite what he was saying, when Tom's tongue wrapped around his cock, he bucked his hips for more. The incubus was already lapping up seminal fluid, his husband was so ripe for him.

It didn't take long for him to plunge into that hot body again, to get drunk and feed on those moans, cries, of blinding ecstasy.

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