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I'll soon have a heart attack because of Ron. Why is he aging backward? I'd have no time running away from this old man!

Ron in his prime should be fast, agile, ruthless, and, simply put, terrifying.

(ᇂ_ᇂ) *droop*


Simply put, the old man had finally abandoned the reason why he could not follow him around. This time, he has enough strength and vigor to follow him around like a hawk without straining his back.

I am just thinking that this old man could be doing all kinds of things behind my back while laughing menacingly and staring at me like prey.

He's gonna die!!!!!!


"So Ron became Vicross's son?" Terrence asked, tilting his head and pointing to the father and son. These two are so consistent that they are still family in every world.

However... but...

He is terrified of teenage Ron! A fourteen-year-old Ron!

He needs to stop aging backwards or I will have the worst nightmare of a newborn smiling benignly with a terrifying smirk in any horror movie ever!

When he's an old man or a man in his forties, he can still take the terrifying, vicious smile of this man but now—


He is smiling at him as if he has seen his favorite toy!

Bye-bye, tasty tea.

In the worst-case scenario, my attachment to lemon tea will become engraved.

"My Lord Cale is so adorable in any form," Phaeton smiled while watching the cute toddler.

"Not Cale... He is Terrence Valentine now," Vicross said, placing the sweets that Little Ren had been craving for quite some time! Nothing compares to VICROSS' FOOD!

"At least we saw each other again, bastard." Radish smiled and accepted the tea that was offered to him. "Agriche thrived after Jeremy took the Duke position, and Roxanna ended up with Cassis, while that girl... yes, that girl... we happily live together."

Radish's words are extremely creepy to the ears.

"Nice. While I'm stuck with Deon following me." He frowned and stared at the yellowish-brown tea that Ron placed in front of him.

Radish can't help but laugh out loud.

"After your death, Deon did become insane," Radish spoke, "to the point he placed Achille's body on a glass case and did the questionable with it."

He honestly didn't want to know about that. He knew Deon had that creepy obsession to the point where he went against the laws of the world.

To be honest, Phaeton had no idea why White Star was sitting right next to them, drinking tea. Isn't he an enemy?

"I used to be an enemy, but yeah, so long as this bastard is here, I can't do that. I like normal villain life. I like antagonizing people now, not world dominance," Radish explains to the confused Phaeton. "Nothing beats money."

"Right." Terrence agreed, making the other's frown. It's a miracle that everyone can peacefully sit in there with Radish around.

This is the first time that Phaeton has been reincarnated in another world.

Terrence asked, "What about Whitara?"

"She's the queen of the sea right now. I came here because I met Uncle—errr—Ron back at the Western Shores." Phaeton said. "Sister even gave me a formal order to help and protect you."

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