my love

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(Sweden is happy and he turn to Akaro) Sweden: are you okay Akaro?

Akaro: yeah im okay (Akaro smile at Sweden)

(Sweden is blushing) Sweden: can I ask you a question?

Akaro: yes what is your question

(Sweden is very nervous) Sweden: can I hug you?

Akaro: sure why not (Akaro hug Sweden)

(Sweden is blushing really hard)Sweden: (whisper your hugs are very comforting Sweden hug Akaro tightly)

Akaro: thank you your hugs are also comforting

(Sweden is still blushing) Sweden: can I ask you another question?

Akaro: yes what is your question

(Sweden is blushing and sweating) Sweden: can I kiss you?

Akaro: of course (Akaro kiss Sweden on his lips)

(Sweden is blushing and he kiss Akaro back and he put his hand on Akaro's cheek)

Akaro: I love you Sweden

(Sweden is blushing and he hug Akaro tightly) Sweden: I love you too

Akaro: (kiss Sweden on his forehead)

(Sweden smile) Sweden: (whisper) I am obsessed with you

Akaro: (whispers back) same I am obsessed with you

(Sweden kiss Akaro's cheek) Sweden: I am glad that we are obsessed with each other

(Sweden is blushing and kiss Akaro back)Sweden: (whisper) you know I have a secret

Akaro: what is your secret my love

(Sweden is blushing) Sweden: my secret is that I am obsessed with you and I am scared of people hurting you and that I am traumatize by my past.

Akaro: (whispers back) I'm sorry for your past you can tell me whenever you want I'm here for you my love

(Sweden is blushing) Sweden: thank you and I love you Akaro Sweden kiss Akaro on his lips

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