Nierma District Twelve: Route 4&5

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Route 4+5
Anaira: Savor or Murder?
Aaron: Hades

Aaron and Anaira flashed into a darkened and cold foggy temple, looking around they saw a figure sitting on a throne and another Dangling from the ceiling of the temple. The sitting figure stood up and rapped the floor once, flames shot out from the ground, and both Teens jumped out of the way.

Anaira: What the hell?

???: The child of Kate Shinigami, quite the surprise that I would be in your void, and an Impact Dragon as well

Anaira: Aaron, do you know who that is?

Aaron: Hades, Greek God of the Underworld

Anaira: Wait as in Greek mythology? it's real?!

Aaron Grabbed Anaira and ran away from Hades, quickly flames surrounded them, and soon turned to ice, and the figure from the ceiling fell behind them and at blistering speeds kicked both of them into a wall.

"So we meet again Dragon"

Anaira (Shocked): N-no!

Aaron: You good? Who the hell is it?

Hades: Zimba Albatross, a Juggernaut under Jose

Aaron: This is troubling

Anaira: Why h-here...

Hades: Before anything escalates, Anaira Wilson, why did you murder him, messing with the laws of life and death isn't ideal

Anaira (Shouting): I didn't murder him, I did it to protect Emilly

Hades: Killed with or without reason isn't going to justify his murder Wilson

Flames surround both Anaira and Aaron as Zimba walks through the flames and runs at both of them, Strings wrapping around his limbs, and suddenly Zimba turns back and kicks Hade's head, the god doesn't budge and Zimba is sent back into the wall with Aaron and Anaira.

Hades: You thought a little fast human pest could harm me?

Aaron: No, I ain't dumb

Hades (Lowly chuckling): Good, now. Hand the Dragon over

Aaron (Growling): Like hell I give her over, she's great punching bag material

Anaira (Unamused): Wow thanks dude

Aaron: No problem

Hades (Chuckling): No, it wasn't an option boy

Zimba snapped out of Aaron's control and kicked Anaira away, Aaron had flames engulf Zimba but Hades appeared behind the reaper's son and grasped his shoulder.

Hades: Defying the laws of life and death is forbidden young reaper, don't make a mistake

Aaron: Already made one, I'll do it again

Hades only sighed as Aaron felt a searing pain in his chest, Hades struck his chest and threw the male away while Zimba kicked Anaira into Hades.

Hades (Looking down on her): What is your father's name

Anaira: His name is Arnold Wilson

Hades: Your biological father

Anaira (Glaring at him): Arnold Wilson

Hades stomped on her leg making rhe girl shout in pain, flames surrounded them, and soon Anaira felt her arm get burned, and Hades stomped on her stomach, blood splattered the walls as Hades picked her up by her hair.

Hades: Your father's name

Anaira: Arnold Wilson

Hades whipped her into the ground and stomped on her ankle, her cries were heard by Aaron who finally stood up and had his scythe appear.

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