War Chapter Twenty-Two: Lovers

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"Open Eclipse Aaron, Make us Complete"

Aaron (In a low menacing voice): Yes... Complete...

There stood, the same portal from Romania stood before the possessed Demon, gripping his scythe tight he walked toward the portal feeling a strong pull towards it.

Aaron: Shinigami... Irene!

Aaron walked up to the portal and touched it, starting to glow a sick twisted smirk, and it opened.

???: Good job Aaron Shinigami

Aaron (Smirking): Of course Aaron Shinigami, how's the rest doing

Shinigami: They're alive, still of use, now my clone, do what you must, Nathaniel is an obstacle to my plans, make sure he's finished forever

Aaron (Smirking): With Pleasure

Shinigami faded away and Aaron's eyes returned to normal, looking back at the Portal he turned and walked away.

Aaron: Whoever comes through isn't my problem

Jeremiah: Rei, stop this please I don't want to hurt you

Rei: Ne, moram, Jeremiah, OSTAVI!
(No, I have to, Jeremiah, LEAVE!)

Jeremiah: I'm not gonna, Rei, snap out of this!

He then felt a pinch in his stomach and blood poured out his mouth as Rei only looked on in pain.

Rei: I'm being Controlled, help

Jeremiah was then kicked away by her and barely able to stand as she kicked him in the head multiple times.

Jeremiah: I can't hurt you, I just can't...

"Yes you can my son"

His eyes got smokey as she ran up to him, ready to deal the final blow but black flames exploded off his body and licked her skin, Rei's blood flared out of her body and shot like blades around the room cutting various furniture and delicacies.

Rei: J-Jeremiah?

Jeremiah: Give me my Rei back!

Jeremiah readied his blade and dashed at her before slashing down and cutting her open from her shoulder blade to her waist in a diagonal pattern.

Jeremiah: I won't stop until I get her back!

She outputs two arms up as he slices open her forearms and screams in agony as her blood reacts violently and then punctures Jeremiab in his leg.

Rei: Stop Jeremiah, please!

"Not until my son does what he's told little Phoenix"

Jeremiah growled while transforming into Zerofuku and his wings spread out.

Jeremiah: Give her back

Rei: Molim te nemoj me unit ljubavi
(Please don't kill me love)

Jeremiah was unresponsive and tackled her to the ground raised his blade over her head, and swung down, Rei closed her eyes awaiting her death but felt Jeremiah's weight off of her and turned to see Anaira, Hikaro, and Azarius standing there

Jeremiah: Anaira, Hikari...

Anaira: Jeremiah, don't leave the enemy unsupervised!

Jeremiah: She's the woman I love I can't kill her...

Azarius: Looked like you were gonna do it just then

Hikari (Slapping Azarius top the head): Don't be like that Azarius!

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