Chapter 2

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I looked over at the sound of a door opening. A tall Autobot with blue and red paint walked in followed by three organic beings. Then came in Drift.
"How is he Ratchet." The tall Autobot asked the docbot. I looked over at Drift and frowned.
He was holding my goggles and guns. I held out my servo to him and everyone looked at him. Drift put the goggles in my servo but not the guns. I once again opened my mouth to say something. But I forgot I can't speak.
"Uh Ratchet? Why isn't he saying anything?" One of the organics asked. I looked down at him and glared.
"Well there seems to be problems with his CPU and vocal processors. Crosshairs will have to be retaught how to speak and walk. As for something else, he doesn't seem to know who we are." The Ratchet guy said and I looked around the room. 'He's right, I don't any of these bots. Well besides Drift, he is my partner.' I thought and pointed at Drift.
The samurai looked confused but walked over to me.
"What Crosshairs?" He asked. I sat there thinking for a moment when an idea came to me. I smirked and grabbed his shoulder.
I used him to stand up and he fell. My smirk got wider when I didn't go down with him. Everyone was watching me carefully as I took a step forward. As soon as I lifted my ped to step I fell to the ground.
"Crosshairs you can't walk without someones help. Sit down and wait till I have checked you over." Ratchet said sounding irritated. I glared at him and felt a servo under my arm. I was lifted into a standing position by the leader and Drift.
"Okay since you seem to only know Drift we will have to introduce our selves. I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. You have met Ratchet, our medic. We have three human companions, Cade, Tessa, and Shane. There is also one other and he is Hound." I silently growled when he said Hound. I remember him. He was always mocking my trench coat and how small my guns we're.
"Everyone out, I need to check over Crosshairs." Ratchet said shooing everyone out. I grabbed Drift by his arm plating. He looked at me then Ratchet.
"Drift. You need to leave. Crosshairs let go of his arm." I shook my head and pulled Drift down onto the birth next to me. Ratchet sighed and started checking over my wounds.
"Drift I think it's safe to say you might have to be the one to teach him. Crosshairs seems to only know you and I'm going to talk to Optimus about it. Watch him will you." Ratchet then left me sitting there with Drift.

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