Chapter 6

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I turned to Drift with my arms crossed over my chassis. He sighed and avoided my optics. I walked over to him and pushed him to the floor. Drift looked up at me and watched has I sat next to him.
"So you d-decided that since I was in critical cond-dition, you were going to kill yourself?" I asked angrily.
"I got low when I heard about your condition. All of us thought you weren't going to make it. I thought there wasn't going to be an end to all of this." Drift started to get defensive towards the end.
"H-hey! Calm d-down D-drift. Jeez, just because you thought I wasn't gonna pull through, d-doesn't give ya the right to go an try ta kill yourself!" I said.
Drift started to defend himself when I held up a sevo to stop him.
"I'm gonna be mad at ya because you d-didn't see an end. I know where you're gettin at." I said quietly. Drift looked up at me instead of the floor. I stood up and walked over to my chest on the floor.
I opened it and sifted through all the little odd things I have. Drift slowly walked over and crouched next to me. He looked over my shoulder and at what I was looking at.
It was a picture. There was a mech and femme standing next to each other. They were smiling at two younglings sitting at their feet. The mech was bulky and his colors were red and black. The femme was thin, tall, and her colors were green and purple.
The younglings were very similar to the adult Cybertronians. The little mech was most similar to larger mech. The youngling was similar but a little slimmer, like his carrier. His colors were green and black, he also had an over sized trench coat wrapped around his small body.
The other youngling was a femme. She was almost a spitting image of their carrier. The only differences were that the younglings' colors were red and purple. She also had a doll clutched in her servos. The little femme looked a lot younger than the mech.
"This is my family. After the war started. I was pulled away from them to continue on being a paratrooper. After one of mission I finished I got a com saying that my family was blown up." My voice started cracking towards the end. "At that moment I thought my life was over. That there was nothing left to live for, if I couldn't go home and see my Creator, or Carrier, or my little sister. I tried to kill myself, but stopped when I thought about what my family would have thought. Or how my friends and army mates would handle it. There is hope." I said.
Drift knelt down next to me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back and didn't let go for a while. Drift pulled away and gave me a ghost of a smile.
"So is that the same coat?" He asked while looking from the picture to me.
"Yes it is." I laughed out. "It was actually my Creators. He knew of my fascination with it. It was given to me on the same day if this picture." I said.
"Well you look very adorable in the coat. Your sister also looks adorable." Drift said, smiling at me.
"Yeah, she was always seen with that d-doll. The d-doll is one of the only things found after the bomb." I said and grabbed the small charred doll out of my box. I handed it to Drift who held it gently.
"I can't imagine the pain if only finding this." He said gently. I just shrugged and put the doll back.
"Well Songbirds' remains were never found. I h-have right to believe that she is still livin." I said. "Though, she may h-have joined the D-decepticons. She always liked to watch how I got hurt while I was gettin inta fights. Wasn't the best younglin there but she always had the attention. " I said with a small laugh. "Heck even after she h-had tried to hack off my servo. She had the attention. Songbird killed so many little animals when she went out. I think she even hacked off her d-dolls limbs!" I exclaimed.
"Now Cross I don't think she was that bad." Drift started but I cut him off.
"Yes she was! You have know idea h-how many times she almost snuffed out my spark." I growled. "In that picture she looked all nice and h-happy. When we got back h-home she tried to push out a window."
"Crosshairs I don't think a youngling could have had that much strength." Drift said with a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"Even though on multiple occasions Songbird tried to kill me. I loved 'er." I said with an energon tear falling from my eye. I swipped it away and stood up.
Drift followed my actions and walked to the door. He stopped before he went out and turned to me. I was watching him leave from the other side of the room. Drift motioned me over and I obliged.
When I got close to him, he pulled me into a kiss. It was soft but loving. We pulled away from each other and I smiled. Drift smiled back then turned and walked out the door.
I sighed and walked over to my berth. I sat down and put my helm in my servos. What I said about my sister, Songbird, was true. On multiple occasions she tried to kill. Even with her strong, self-centered, mean personality. I did love her like an older sibling should.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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