Chapter 3

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"So do you know why you only recognised me?" Drift asked after a minute of silence. I nodded my head with a smirk. 'He's my partner. How could I not know him?' I asked myself.
"Okay, can you show me why?" I was about to move but stopped. I frowned at him and grabbed my goggles. Drift looked at me then the goggles. "Oh, you remembered the goggles. Not me." He said.
I shook my head and handed him the goggles. Drift looked at them and then me. I pointed to him, then me, and last the goggles. A look of realization came over his face.
"Right, I gave you the goggles a shortly after we became friends." He looked back the goggles then looked over my body. I followed his gaze and freaked out.
'Where's my trench coat!?!' I shouted to my self. I looked around the room and found it hanging near the door.
I motioned for Drift to go get it. When he handed it to me the door opened and Ratchet with Optimus walked in. Ratchet looked straight to my coat and frowned.
"You can't wear that Crosshairs. It will mess with your wounds." Ratchet said and grabbed my coat. My glare was so fierce I thought I saw Drift flinch.
"Crosshairs it's for the best. I have decided that it would be best if Drift taught." Opitmus said and I slowly nodded.
Drift sighed and nodded as well.
"If I must." He said and I grabbed his shoulder. I slowly pulled myself to stand. I was leaning heavily on Drift and tried taking a step.
Drift grabbed my shoulder and held me up. I turned to then the floor. I silently sighed and shook my head. 'Frag! Why can't I just walk already? Hasn't even been a day I'm already complaining.' I thought and looked up.
Drift was still holding me up, Ratchet walked away to do something, and Optimus had left. I shuffled my peds and took another step. Drift had to help me walk across the room and out the door.
We we're met by Hound and the fleshies. Hound laughed at something Shane said. Then looked over at me.
"Man you look rough Cross. Those decepticons did a number on you." Hound said as we slowly walked over.
"He has been sleeping for weeks and now isn't talking?" Cade asked and my posture straightened. I looked straight at the humans then slowly looked at Hound and last Drift.
I reached for my gun but it wasn't there. So I slowly moved for Drift's swords. I grabbed one before he noticed and turned to me.
I had it pointed at Hound and the Humans. 'Weeks?! I was out for weeks and no one bothered to tell me?!' I glared at Drift and tried shifting away from him. He grabbed bother my shoulders and squeezed them.
"We just forgot to tell Crosshairs. It's okay. A few weeks is nothing." Drift said and I started lowering the sword.
"Hey Cross?! Why aren't you talking? You would normally be cussing us out and trying to shoot us." Hound said and I brought the sword down on him.
Hound moved and started laughing.
"Drift I think your rubbing off on our friend here." Shane said. I lifted my ped to crush him when Drift pushed it away. I glared at him and turned away.
"Crosshairs your going to your berthroom to rest. Not staying here and squishing the humans." Drift said started helping me into a hall way.
We walked to a room and the door slid open for us. In the room was a berth, side table, chair, and a chest. Drift led me over to the berth. I sat down and looked at him.
"I don't even know how to teach you. I spent of my time in Japan away from this place and you." He mumbled to himself. I looked over him and saw that a few things had changed since I last my Partner.
Drift had actually had guns and amo on him. His beard thing was almost gone and his eyes we're now a dark blue instead of bright. His swords had gained a few symbols. His armor was covered in a lot more scratches and dents. It was like he didn't want to fix them.
He noticed my staring and looked down at himself. Drift noticed that his armor had gained more scars. He looked up and rubbed the back of his next.
"Okay I think we should start by teaching you to talk." Drift started them trailed off starting to talk to himself.
I snapped my digits in front of his face and he jumped. He looked up and then down again. Drift continued talking to himself and I was getting frustrated.
"Drift!" I growled out. It was scratchy and quiet but I got his attention
"Continue talking. It will get easier." He said and I glared at him.
"Drift." I growled again but louder. Drift turned to me with an unreadable expression.
"What Crosshairs?" He asked with no emotion in his voice. I smiled a little and held out my hand. "What do want?"
"Guns. Those a-aren't y-yours." I started stuttering and I ran a servo down my face.
Drift smirked and grabbed the guns. He took a step back and I followed his movements.
"Your right, they aren't mine. But nor are they yours." He said and looked at him a little confused.
"They the guns that did that to you." He gestured to my wounds and I growled.
"Then why d-do you h-have them." I growled out the question and slid off the berth. I was leaning on it as Drift walked closer to me.
"Stole them. To use them to kill the decepticons that hurt you. You we're as good as dead when I finished killing them. You were bleeding out. I found your guns and goggles quite a ways away from you." He said quietly. He looked like he was in some sort of a trance. I grabbed his shoulder and shook him.
Drift came out of his trance with a jump and held his sword to my already wounded neck.
I coughed and he put his swords away muttering an apology. I shook my head to clear it and sat back down on my berth.
"So since I can talk, can I learn to walk again?" I asked. Drift was standing next to the muttering things. He looked over at me and shook his head, then continues muttering.
"Are you okay? You seem really d-different. Like d-distant when you shouldn't be." I asked. For some reason I felt really concerned for my partner.
"I'm fine. We can continue tomorrow." Drift then walked out leaving me by myself.

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