Chapter 4

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Its been a few weeks since I woke up. I can finally walk again and talk. But Ratchet said that I will have a permanent limp and stutter. Frag those Decepticons! Drift has been acting weird since I woke up.
The other Autobots say he has been that way since I was attacked. They say he would go out and get in fights with the Decepticons. Come back leaking covers in dents, scratches, and new scars.
Drift left for Japan a a week and a half after I was attacked. He didn't come back to America till days before I awakened. Now he is avoiding me and muttering to himself about it being his fault. I was getting tired of it.
"D-Drift! I swear to Primus if you don't stop avoiding me, I will blast you head off!" I finally got fed up with Drift and snapped. I grabbed him by the neck and drug him off to my berthroom. I walked in and through him to the floor.
"Tell me now, Drift!" I growled as he stood up.
"There's nothing to tell you." The Samurai said shortly and started walking to the door. I grabbed him and brought him to my face.
"If it's nothing then why h-have you been avoiding me!" I shouted. Drift growled and pushed me away. He took a seat on the chair and I sat on my berth.
"You want to know why I'm avoiding?" I nodded my head. "I'm scared! Okay? Scared that you will get hurt like last time. I was to slow to save you. It was all my fault." Drift put his head in his servos.
I stood up and walked over to him. I hated to see him so hurt, I liked since we met. Thats why I wanted to be his partner. Of course no ones gonna know that. I sighed and grabbed Drifts shoulder.
I was getting tired of doing nothing. I really just wanted to kiss him and get it over with. So that's what I did, I kissed him.

Drift looked up at me and saw sadness in his dark blue optics. I pulled him up and into my chest. I grabbed his head made him look at me.
"Crosshairs what are you doing?" He asked and I paused. 'What am I doing? Oh yeah! Kissing him!." I smirked and crashed my lips into his.
Drifts optics widen and stared at me. I offlined my optics and pulled him closer. He finally started kissing back. I pulled away and we both on lined our optics.
"Why? Why aren't you mad at me?" He asked.
"D-damn your a good kisser!" I said. Drifts fans kicked on to cool him off.
"I don't understand. I almost got you killed and you kiss me?" He sound completely confused and I growled.
I pushed back against the wall and looked straight into his optics.
"D-drift, I h-have liked you since we met. Always will, that's why I kissed you. I d-don't care if you to late to save me or not. I am the one that got jumped to save you. They were going for you and I h-had to stop them." I growled out and looked to the floor. I felt a servo on my face and turned to look at Drift.
He kissed me and I growled. 'Its on!' I thought and roughly grabbed his waist. I knew he wasn't going to gasp and let me in. I licked his bottom lip for entrance, which he denied.
I growled and Drift took the opportunity to move.
He shoved down onto my berth and I grabbed his shoulders. Drift decided he was going to try and lead. He licked my bottom lip and I almost denied. But I decided I was going to let him.
I opened my mouth a little and his glossa went in.
I knew he was surprised but continued. I started to get rough and flipped us over. So I was on top of him. I broke away from the kiss and looked down on him.
"You have know idea how long I have been waiting for that." Drift said and I smirked.
"Well then let us continue." I kissed him again but started slower. Drift shifted and put a servo behind my head. I flinched when he touched the sensitive scar on the back of my head.
"Sorry." He mumbled against my lips.
I smiled at little and pushed him down. I was straddling him with both my servos on with side of his head. Caging him in.
Drift had one servo on the nap of my neck messing with the wires. His other was on my left hip, tracing the scar on my metal. He smirked, which is unuasl, and moved a digit to one of the nerves on my hip.
I froze when his digit hovered over it and looked down at him.
"You wouldn't." I threatened quietly.
"Oh I would." He said and moved his digits to mess with the wires. I growled and slapped his servo away. I grabbed his servo and locked it with mine. Then moved them both next to his head. I did the same with his other servo.
Drift looked up at me and it my turn to smirk.
I slowly lowed my head towards his then went for his neck. I heard him growl when I lick his neck cables. All the way up to his mouth then stopped.
"Crosshairs!" Drift growled and brought his face plate up to mine. We continued to kiss when I decided to spice it up.
I broke away then started nibbling on his bottom lip. Drift brought one of his legs up and slid it between us.
I looked down at him then his leg. Drift had his ped placed on my lower abdomen so he could push me off when ever he wanted.
"Playing rough are we, D-drift." It was really hard to sound intimidating with that stupid stutter. Drift chuckled and moved one of our servos.
He brought them up to side of of my face plate.
"Your stutter is starting to grow on me." He whispered in my audio receptors. I shivered and looked at him.
I unlocked our servos and brought mine up to his face. I rubed a digit over a scar next to his right optic. I gave it to him in our first meeting.
I didn't know who he was and I didn't have my guns on me. I grabbed my knife and slashed it down on his optics. He turned his head in time for it to just scrape his right optic.
Drift grabbed my servo and moved it away. We looked into each others optics till there was a knock on my door. Drift shoved me off him by his led and fell onto the floor with clank.
"Sorry Cross." He said and got off my berth. He walked over the door and it opened. Standing there was bumblebee and the humans.
Bumblebee wasn't introduced to me when I woke up a few weeks. He rolled in a few days after while I was with Drift learning to walk again. I was aloud to have my guns and trench coat back, and I grabbed one of my guns.
I had it pointed at Bee's chassis when Drift shoved my arm down.
He explained to Bee about me not knowing the other Autobots. And to me on who Bumblebee was. We haven't been on the best of terms since.

I was brought out of my memories by Tessa shouting at me.
"Cross! Get up off the floor.! She shouted and I glared at her.
"Watch how ya talk fleshie." I growled and stood up.
Drift helped me and I limped over to them."So what the frag are ya doin here?" I asked.
"Well we were just wondering what you were doing with Drift. After you drug him off grumbling about him avoiding you." Cade said.
I looked down at him then up at Drift. He gave a small almost unnoticable shake of his head.
"Talking about why he was avoiding me. We got in an argument and then you knocked." I said. I swear I hears a small snort from Drift about the "argument" part.
"Wells it's could to know you guys are okay with each other. Especially since Drift has been very dark lately." Shane said. I looked over at Drift then the humans, bee had walked away a little bit ago.
"What d-do you mean by d-dark?" I asked while looking at Drift.
"Well he never was seen without a weapon in his hand. When you went under, Drift had changed. Always muttering to himself and getting in fights. Once held your gun to his head. Muttering things, then I think he started crying. I saw all that in his room." Shane said and Drift growled. He shoved the humans out of the room and closed the door.

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