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Minho had an iron grip on Seungmin as they entered the classroom. Apparently the teacher was late so they were right on time, the teacher arriving just when they were seated.

"Oh I'm so sorry guys, there was so much traffic and you know. But now I'm here so let's start!" She said. Everyone sighed. The lesson was boring, so Seungmin took a nap.

"Minnie." A gentle voice next to him whispered. Seungmin ignored Minho, too tired for his shit. The older nudged his thigh.

"Come on, we have class." He whispered. Seungmin sighed.

"So what? I'm tired." He mumbled.

"Want to sleep over at our house later? If you pay attention in class." Minho suggested. Seungmin sighed again.

"No, just let me sleep." He mumbled. Minho sighed and patted the younger's thigh comfortly, before paying attention to the lesson again.

"Minnie." A soft and gentle voice whispered into Seungmin's ear waking him up. The boy lifted his head and rubbed his eyes lazily.

"It's time to go home." Minho said, cooing at the cute boy next to him. Seungmin chuckled.

"You're such a tease." He mumbled and gathered his stuff, stretching his body and whining.

"What is it pup?" Felix had now appeared in front of him, asking.

"I don't wanna go home~ I'm tired." Seungmin whined trying to go back to sleep. Felix however lifted his chin back up.

"Want to come over at ours?" He asked.

"Mhm." Seungmin hummed, resting his head on Felix's hand attempting to sleep on it. The other chuckled.

"Hey, Minnie. Woah you are tired." He laughed. Seungmin was about to sleep again when he was lifted out of his chair and carried bridal style.

"Y-yah!" He stuttered kicking his feet.

"Just go back to sleep puppy, weren't you tired?" He cooed. The younger blushed and rested in Chan's arms.

They drove home with Seungmin sleeping peacefully. When they arrived they carefully put Seungmin on the big couch in their mansion.

"He looks so cute." Hyunjin said poking the boy's cheek.

"Yes, look at his hair. It's all messy." Jisung said as he ran his fingers through the boy's hair. Seungmin whined in his sleep.

"Aww, cutie." He chuckled. Just then Chan and Changbin walked in.

"I don't understand human trafficking ." Chan sighed.

"Says the one with an ownership kink."

"Says the one with a pet play kink."

"Stop kinkshaming each other and pay attention to this adorable puppy." Jisung interrupted them as he looked back at Seungmin.

"He's cuddling your arm, aww." Changbin cooed at the sight.

"Yes, so cute." Chan agreed joining them on the couch. Seungmin snuggled closer to Jisung, seemingly getting a nightmare.

"Oh, poor puppy." Jisung mumbled. Seungmin's eyes were squeezed shut tightly as whimpers left his mouth. The quokka like boy quickly shot into action and picked him up, sitting him down on his lap as Seungmin woke up.

"It's okay, hyung's here. Calm down pup it was just a dream." Jisung cooed. Seungmin was sitting on his lap face to face

[-]     something like this... Does it        make sence?

"Hm~" Seungmin whined, emberassed as he hid in the crook of Jisung's neck.

"It's okay puppy, don't be shy~" Jisung teased gently caressing Seungmin's back.

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