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"Hey Minnie, I have something to do for yo- Holy shit." Sana sweared when she saw Seungmin unconscious laying on the floor.

"Uh Seungmin- This isn't funny..." She mumbled. However, no response.

"Shit- shit- what do I do?" She cursed, stressing herself out. She ended up dragging him to a nearby alley. Panicked, she left him there and quickly ran away.

"Channie hyung! Channie hyung!" Felix suddenly came running to them. They had just completed a mission and they were in an edgy alley.

"What is it?" Jisung asked quickly grabbing the boy by his shoulders.

"Injured person." Felix huffed out.

"What, where?" Chan asked, so Felix lead them to the person he found.

"There." Felix pointed at the male body laying on the ground. Jisung knelt down and tried to shake the boy awake, but he didn't budge.

"Defenitely not sleeping." He mumbled. Jisung checked the boy's pulse and breathing, relieved that the boy had problaby just fainted. He stared at him and then it clicked-

"Seungmin?" He mumbled, gasping. This caught everyone's attention.

"What?" Chan was the first one to run to Jisung. He asked.

"It's Seungminnie..." Jisung mumbled, gently brushing his fingers over Seungmin's cheeks.

"What? Where?" Minho asked. They all were shocked at how fast the boy had arrived. Soon everyone gathered around Seungmin's body.

"He luckily just fainted. Let's bring him home, then the doctor can run some tests." Changbin ordered. Everyone nodded and carried the boy to the van.

"My poor puppy." Minho cooed, placing Seungmin on his lap.

"Um- Did I miss something? Since when are you close to him again?" Jeongin asked. Minho sighed.

"I've always thought it was weird, his voice looked so broken when I heard him talking on the phone. And he suddenly is so shy... I think something more is going on." Minho explained massaging Seungmin's scalp.

"Mhm. I agree, it was very strange." Jisung hummed. The ride didn't last long and they soon arrived at their mansion, Minho carrying Seungmin to the doctor.

"Sir, he's unconscious. Can you please run some tests?" Minho asked laying the boy on hospital bed.

"Sure Minho." He said smiling. The man measured Seungmin's pulse, his blood flow + pressure. And other kinds of things. After half an hour, he was finished.

"So? What happened?" Chan asked. The doctor sighed.

"He fainted of rat poison. I don't know why- Or how- He just fainted because of it, but he's fine. I've also noticed a lot of bruises on his body, are you aware of this?" The doctor explained, before asking.

"I am. Don't worry, we'll ask him." Minho said and picked him up.

"Wait what- What bruises are you talking about?" Hyunjin asked, shocked.

"He has so much of them. Cuts, bruises and wounds. I wanted to ask him but that bitch Sana interrupted us." Minho exlaimed and scoffed.

"Wait, did Seungmin go home with this so called Sana?" The doctor asked.

"Yeah. Well, she dragged him." Jeongin said and rolled his eyes.

"Guys... Where did you find him?" The doctor asked sighing.

"In an alley, it's actually quite close to her house if I'm thinking about it." Changbin said.

"I think she may be the culprit." The doctor sighed.

"Wait, really?" Jisung asked. The doctor nodded.

"Well. You found this boy after him laying there for an hour, and it's so close to that girl's house. It could have been sabotage." The doctor said shrugging.

"Thanks doc, we'll bring her here and try to find out what happened."

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