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Seungmin was placed on a chair, on Chan's lap. The older was manspreading as he sat on his thigh.

"Hey pup, so what did you say?" Chan asked grabbing Seungmin's waist.

"I'd love to date you all, hyungs." Seungmin said blushing a little. Jeongin protested.

"Yah! Why not me~" He whined. Seungmin chuckled at him.

"Of course, you too Innie." The boy said. Everyone was happy at that, their puppy was finally theirs. But after a while the mood shifted.

"We have to tell him." Jisung sighed. Everyone protested.

"No! Why!" Minho whined.

"He's right, Seungmin deserves to know." Chan demanded making everyone go quiet. The oldest leader took a deep breath in.

"Minnie." He said, Seungmin turned to him curiously.

"Mhm?" He hummed. Seungmin had no idea what they were talking about.

"After we say this, please don't leave us. We won't ever hurt you." Chan said with a begging look. This made Seungmin have a bad feeling.

"Channie hyung, I won't ever leave you. And the others too." Seungmin said looking into the leader's eyes. Chan sighed.

"Okay, Seungie. Have you ever heard about the mafia?" Chan asked. Seungmin looked at him in shock.

"C-chan." He stuttered with wide eyes. The older embraced Seungmin tightly.

"You're safe sweetheart." Chan whispered into the boy's ear, followed with more praise. After a while Seungmin felt like he could talk again.

"Hyung... Are you in the mafia?" Seungmin asked. Chan nodded, massaging his boyfriend's scalp. Seungmin leaned into the touch.

"We all are, Seungie. Chan hyung, Changbin hyung and Jisung hyung are the leaders." Jeongin explained.

"So I'm sitting on a mafia leader's lap right now?" Seungmin asked giggling. Chan smirked.

"Does it turn you on pup?" He asked, moving his leg up teasingly. Seungmin slipped to it and felt the sensation of grinding.

"Ah~" He accidentally moaned, before blushing madly.

"You're not scared?" Minho asked. Seungmin was about to say something sassy but Chan lifted his leg again, shutting him up.

"No." Seungmin mumbled out. Jisung stood up and walked over to him.

"Want to be owned, puppy?" He asked. Seungmin blushed again and nodded, grinding down on Chan's leg over and over. He felt everyone's gaze at him as he shamelessly moaned loudly.

"Woah- Puppy, calm down." Chan chuckled stopping Seungmin's movements.

"Hyung~" Seungmin whined wanting to continue. Just then a collar was fastened around his neck again.

"Pretty puppy." Jisung, who had put it on him, praised.

"Hm." Seungmin mumbled as he crossed his arms against his chest, pouting.

"So you're not bothered by us leading a gang?" Changbin asked with a frown.

"You know, I daydreamed about this." Seungmin mumbled in thought.

"You did?" Felix asked, shocked.

"Yeah. So there was this grandp-" Before Seungmin could finish Chan pulled him to himself, interrupting him. He started to leave hickeys on the boy's neck.

"Bad puppy, I'm not a grandpa." Chan chuckled, stopping his kisses and leaning back in his chair.

"I- fine." Seungmin mumbled,, his cheeks still red.

"Where did you even get a leash from?" Hyunjin asked.

"It was in my pocket."

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