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Seungmin woke up and immediately realised he was already late. The boy just layed there, looking at the timer. He slowly got up and casually walked to school, not even changing. When he arrived the teacher was mad at him.

"Kim Seungmin! You're 3 hours late, what is now the reaso-" The woman stopped her scolding when Seungmin slowly walked over to his seat, his head down. He took place in a back corner.

"Um as I was saying." She continued her lesson.

"Psst! Seungmin." Jisung whispered, he was sitting in front of the boy. Seungmin ignored him, staring at his book.


When the bell rang Seungmin quickly gathered his stuff, fleeing to his locker. It wasn't long until there was a presence next to him.

"Pup, stop ignoring me." Minho's voice demanded. Seungmin tried not to melt when his shoulders were grabbed and he was pinned again his own locker. He avoided eye contact.

"Seungie." Minho growled. Seungmin's eyes wandered over to Minho's.

"Why did you suddenly want to break up? What did we do wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, I just had to." Seungmin said and looked away again.

"Was this relationship never important to you?" Minho asked with pleading eyes. Seungmin felt like he was going to cry.

"Doesn't matter." He mumbled. Minho started to cry at this.

"You never cared about us?" He asked. Seungmin held his shit together.

"N-no." He stuttered out, escaping from Minho's grip and running somewhere. He didn't know where- Just somewhere. In the end he had arrived in some kind of corner of the school, nobody in sight.

Minho was sobbing loudly in Chan's arms. The leader also felt bad as he held the boy tightly.

"It's okay, Minnie." Chan whispered into his ear. Minho however didn't stop crying, so he had to bring him to the other's.

"Minho? What happened?" Jisung asked immediately taking him over from Chan.

"He demanded Seungmin an answer and got... Um crushed." Chan sighed with apologetic eyes.

"No, my poor baby." Jisung cooed. Minho may look like the coldest and strongest member, but he has feelings too. He's never felt love before Seungmin...

"Group hug!" Felix yelled joining in.

"Hold up hold up me too!" Hyunjin screamed and lunged himself onto them. Soon everyone joined the hug and Minho let out a chuckle.

"I love you guys." He mumbled.

"Hey, Seungmin may be not here anymore but we're still your boyfriends! We're not going anywhere." Jeongin chuckled.

"Yes sweetie." Changbin agreed.

One step, two step.

Should he end his life?

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