Betrayal x 2 Part 2 | EXPLICIT

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Summary: Part two of Betrayal x 2. If you haven't read it, I suggest reading that before reading this. It's right before this one! 

Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, talking about what previously happened, threesome, hair pulling, biting, scratching, oral (all), unprotected sex, creampie, filth

Word count: 5.7k | not edited

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Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest. You knew it was a lot to ask, you weren't sure how anyone would react after it was all out on the table.

"So.." you say breaking the semi long silence that followed Colby asking Jake, "What, whatcha thinking?"

"I mean.." Jake laughs, "I'm just.." he trails off and you close your eyes as you pinch the bridge of your nose.

"I mean, I'm not going to lie to you Colby, she was.. pretty fucking good.. and I'm a weird guy, who likes weird shit, and this to me is so fucking weird.." Jake continues laughing before letting out a long dramatic sigh, "So why not."

Colby didn't say anything, which you knew he was probably second guessing it, hoping Jake would have said no.

"Okay.." you nod to yourself, "So. I'll, um.. talk to Colby then I'll call you or something. Okay, Jake?"

"Okay, yeah just hit my line or whatever." He laughs slightly and you smirk, "I will. Bye."

"Bye." Jake hangs up and you pause before sighing, "Colby?"

"Yeah?" Colby's voice is low and you lay back, laying your phone on your chest, "Do you not want to do this? "

"No, I do. I just.. can I see you before we bring him into it? I just want one conversation with you, face to face."

You chew your lip, "I need to get dressed."

"That's fine. Take your time, all the time you need. I know it's a lot."

You can tell Colby was trying to contain his excitement from you agreeing to see him.

"I'll text Kat and let her know that I'll be going over." You get up to change your clothes and Colby clears his throat, "Sorry I'm just a little nervous.."

"Tell me about it." You laugh slightly, "Okay.. I'll, um.. I'll be over soon."

"Okay. Drive safe."

You could tell Colby wanted to throw in an 'I love you', but you weren't ready for that, "I will." You hang up, immediately calling Kat.

"Hey, you okay?" She answers and you smile slightly, "Yeah, I'm good. I just wanted to let you know that I'm going over.." you sigh, "To see Colby."

"Are you?" She asks surprised, "Are you sure you're ready for that?"

"We just spent the last hour on the phone, talking about stuff so.. I think so. I don't know." You grab your keys and walk down the steps, listening as she tells Sam that he needs to come back to her place.

"Why? Is everything okay?" He asks in the background, and you can just picture his face when she tells him you're going to see Colby, "Really? I mean that's good right?"

"Yeah, I hope." Kat says, "again if you need anything, call me."

"I will. I'll keep you updated." You open the door and hang up, taking a deep breath as you walk to your car.

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